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Duthu Roger
calanque de Méjean
Ensues La Redonne



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price from €385




Description for Gite

Welcome to our comfortable gite in Marseille! Situated on the picturesque waters edge between Marseille and Carry le Rouet, our gite is nestled in the heart of the stunning calanque Méjean. Boasting full amenities and a charming terrace, our accommodation can comfortably sleep 5 to 6 people. Whether you're passionate about diving or fishing, our gite is the perfect base for your adventures.


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extra bed
Apartment 6 70 115 385 792


Animals Allowed


  • Calanques National Park: Located near the Calanque de Méjean, this national park is a stunning natural attraction. It offers a series of rugged limestone cliffs, hidden coves, and crystal-clear waters, perfect for hiking, swimming, and snorkeling.
  • Marseille: Marseille is a vibrant coastal city located nearby. It offers a rich history, including attractions like the historic Old Port, the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, and the MuCEM museum. Visitors can also enjoy delicious Mediterranean cuisine and explore the bustling local markets.
  • Château d'If: Situated on the island of If, just off the coast of Marseille, Château d'If is a famous fortress turned prison. It gained popularity through Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Count of Monte Cristo." Visitors can take a boat trip to the island and explore the historic fortress while enjoying panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Cassis: A charming fishing village located near the Calanque de Méjean, Cassis is known for its picturesque harbor and colorful buildings. Visitors can stroll along the waterfront, visit the local market, and enjoy fresh seafood in one of the many restaurants. Boat tours to explore the nearby calanques are also available.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Aix-en-Provence is a historic town known for its lively atmosphere and artistic heritage. It offers beautiful architecture, such as the Cours Mirabeau, lined with cafes and shops. Visitors can explore the charming Old Town, visit art museums like the Musée Granet, and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of this Provençal city.
  • Les Goudes: Situated on the outskirts of Marseille, Les Goudes is a small fishing village known for its scenic beauty. It offers stunning coastal landscapes, charming streets, and excellent seafood restaurants. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails along the cliffs or relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Carry-le-Rouet: A seaside resort town located nearby, Carry-le-Rouet is known for its beautiful beaches and clear waters. It offers various water activities, including snorkeling and scuba diving. Visitors can also explore the town's charming streets, enjoy coastal walks, and indulge in delicious seafood cuisine.
  • The Calanque de Sormiou: Another beautiful calanque situated near Calanque de Méjean, the Calanque de Sormiou is known for its breathtaking turquoise waters and striking cliffs. It is a popular spot for swimming, hiking, and picnicking. Visitors can hike down to the calanque or take a boat tour to admire its natural beauty.
  • Sainte-Victoire Mountain: Located near Aix-en-Provence, Sainte-Victoire Mountain is a famous landmark and popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. It offers numerous hiking trails, breathtaking views, and diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can hike to the summit or explore the surrounding valleys and vineyards. 10. The Calanque de Niolon: Situated between Carry-le-Rouet and Marseille, the Calanque de Niolon is a picturesque cove known for its tranquil atmosphere. It offers clear blue waters, rocky cliffs, and a small fishing village. Visitors can enjoy swimming, snorkeling, or simply relax and take in the peaceful surroundings.

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