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Jean-Paul Maffre
27,avenue General Azibert


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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

There are two cozy bed and breakfast accommodations available in a beautifully renovated family house, which is now classified as a tourist village. Conveniently located near shops, a bustling market, a variety of activities, and just 2 kilometers away from the beach. The resort offers an array of amenities, including bike paths, hiking trails, climbing opportunities, tennis courts, and a spa center.


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Prices in €
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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 75 15 OUI




  • Gruissan Beach: Located just a short distance from Avenue General Azibert, Gruissan Beach is a beautiful sandy beach that stretches for several kilometers along the Mediterranean coast. Visitors can relax, sunbathe, swim, or enjoy various water sports activities.
  • Gruissan Village: Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, Gruissan Village is a charming medieval village with narrow winding streets and historic buildings. Visitors can explore the ancient castle, browse the local shops, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Les Salins de Gruissan: This salt marsh area is located near Gruissan and offers visitors a chance to discover the traditional salt production methods of the region. Guided tours are available, allowing visitors to learn about the history and process of salt extraction while enjoying the natural beauty of the area.
  • Le Massif de la Clape: This natural park is situated just a short drive away from Gruissan and offers stunning views of vineyards, forests, and rugged cliffs. Hiking and mountain biking trails are available for those who wish to explore the park's diverse flora and fauna.
  • Château l'Hospitalet: Located in the nearby village of Narbonne, Château l'Hospitalet is a renowned winery and vineyard. Visitors can take guided tours of the estate, learn about the wine-making process, and sample a variety of delicious wines produced on site.
  • Narbonne: Just a short distance from Gruissan, Narbonne is a historic city with numerous attractions. Visitors can explore the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, stroll along the Canal de la Robine, and visit the vibrant Les Halles market to sample local produce and delicacies.
  • Abbey of Fontfroide: Situated in the countryside near Narbonne, the Abbey of Fontfroide is a beautifully preserved Cistercian monastery. Visitors can take guided tours of the abbey, wander through the tranquil gardens, and learn about the rich history and architecture of the site.
  • Sigean African Reserve: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Gruissan, the Sigean African Reserve is a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. The reserve is home to over 3,800 animals, including lions, giraffes, elephants, and rhinos. Visitors can explore the park by car or on foot, observing the animals in their natural habitats.
  • Peyriac-de-Mer: Situated on the shores of an inland sea, Peyriac-de-Mer is a picturesque village known for its stunning natural surroundings. Visitors can take leisurely walks along the waterfront, explore the village's charming streets, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding salt marshes and lagoons. 10. Carcassonne: Although located a bit further away, Carcassonne is worth a visit for its medieval fortress, La Cité. This UNESCO World Heritage site is one of Europe's most impressive walled cities, offering visitors a glimpse into the past with its well-preserved ramparts, towers, and narrow streets.

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