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Jerome Fournel
38 Rue de la Carquois


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Price per night:

price from €100




Description for B&B:

Experience the charm of a 400-year-old Manor-Hotel conveniently located just 35 minutes from Saint-Malo and 75 minutes from Mont Saint-Michel. Each of our 20 rooms offers a complete bathroom, some even featuring a bathtub, as well as a flat screen TV with English channels and a safe. Enjoy the convenience of a private free car park on-site.

Situated just 300 yards from the breathtaking beach of Sables d'Or les Pins, our Manor boasts its own lake and park with a stunning sea view. Indulge in a delicious and abundant breakfast including homemade marmalade, cheese, fruit, and homemade cake.

With the Cap Frehel only 4 miles away and the Fort Lalatte just 6 miles away, our hotel is the perfect base for exploring the picturesque coastline. Start your day by enjoying your breakfast near the lake with a captivating view of the sea. Visit our website to view our rooms and prices. Discover the idyllic setting of our charming Manor and explore the area of Saint-Malo and Mont Saint-Michel.


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From Paris, travel approximately 400km (250 miles) in the direction of Rouen-Caen on the A13. Take Exit 31 towards Alencon, Peripherique-Sud, Z.I. Caen, Rennes. Follow the signs for "Mont Saint-Michel" and "Saint-Malo" on the A84-E401, just before reaching Saint-Malo. Take the direction towards "Dinard - Barrage de la Rance". After crossing the "Barrage de la Rance" on the D168, follow the signs for "Cap Frehel". Once you reach the village of Frehel, turn right towards Sables dOr on the D786. When you reach the sea, turn left and continue along the coast for 3 km. You will find le Manoir on your left, easily recognizable by its lake and the 12 flag.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 100 130
(3 pers.)
2 130 150
Apartment 1 150 180


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Fort La Latte: Located on the Cap Fréhel peninsula, Fort La Latte is a medieval fortress known for its stunning coastal views and impressive architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and courtyards, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Cap Fréhel Lighthouse: Situated on the same peninsula as Fort La Latte, the Cap Fréhel Lighthouse is a prominent landmark offering panoramic views of the English Channel. Visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse and enjoy breathtaking vistas of the rugged coastline and surrounding area.
  • Plévenon Beach: This beautiful sandy beach is situated near Fort La Latte and offers a peaceful spot for relaxation and sunbathing. Surrounded by cliffs and dunes, Plévenon Beach is also a great spot for scenic walks and picnics.
  • Saint-Malo: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Frehel, Saint-Malo is a historic walled city renowned for its well-preserved architecture and rich maritime heritage. Visitors can explore the narrow streets of the old town, visit the imposing Saint-Malo Cathedral, and walk along the city walls for stunning views of the harbor.
  • Dinan: Situated about 70 kilometers from Frehel, Dinan is a charming medieval town known for its half-timbered houses, cobblestone streets, and picturesque riverfront. Visitors can wander through the town's narrow alleys, visit the imposing Château de Dinan, and enjoy panoramic views from the town's ramparts.
  • Fort National: Located in Saint-Malo, Fort National is a historic fortress built on a small island just off the coast. Visitors can reach the fort during low tide and explore its ramparts, cannons, and underground passages while learning about its role in defending the city.
  • Le Mont-Saint-Michel: Situated approximately 70 kilometers from Frehel, Le Mont-Saint-Michel is an iconic UNESCO World Heritage site. This stunning medieval abbey and village sit atop a rocky island surrounded by dramatic tidal waters. Visitors can explore the abbey, stroll through the charming streets, and witness the beauty of the surrounding bay.
  • Château de Dinard: Located in the nearby town of Dinard, the Château de Dinard is an elegant mansion built in the 19th century. Set amidst beautiful gardens, the castle offers guided tours where visitors can admire its luxurious interiors and learn about its history.
  • Pléneuf-Val-André Beach: Situated just a short drive from Frehel, Pléneuf-Val-André Beach is a long sandy beach known for its clear waters and family-friendly atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy various water sports, relax on the beach, or take a leisurely stroll along the promenade. 10. Côte de Granit Rose: Located approximately 60 kilometers from Frehel, the Pink Granite Coast is a natural wonder characterized by its unique pink granite rock formations. Visitors can explore the coastal path, admire the stunning landscapes, and visit charming towns like Perros-Guirec and Ploumanac'h, famous for their pink granite cliffs and picturesque beaches.

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