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Dominique Donadi
6 Rue Victor Boiron
Romans Sur Isere


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

There are two rooms available in our guest house. One room is located in a separate building next to the main house, while the other is in a comfortable caravan. Both rooms have direct access to the garden and terrace. The rooms are equipped with a 140-sized bed and a cozy seating area with a convertible sofa bed for two people. The shower room has a luxurious hydromassage shower, and there is a separate toilet. Breakfast is served in either the room, on the terrace, or in the owners' dining room, depending on the season. Our property also features a beautiful landscaped garden for you to enjoy.


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extra bed
Notes: 1 at 4 persons


Animals Allowed


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  • Musée de la Nougatine (Nougat Museum): Located in the nearby town of Montélimar, this museum celebrates the famous nougat candy. Visitors can learn about the history and production process of nougat through interactive exhibits and even taste different varieties.
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  • Musée d'Art Contemporain Saint-Pierre (Saint-Pierre Contemporary Art Museum): Situated in Lyon, about 1.5 hours away, this museum showcases contemporary art from the 1950s to the present day. Visitors can explore various exhibitions featuring paintings, sculptures, and multimedia installations by renowned artists. Please note that distances and travel times mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the mode of transportation and current conditions.

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