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31 Route de Challon
Sainte Terre


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Price per night:

price from €310






Description for B&B:

Our guest house is a cozy studio designed to accommodate 2 to 3 individuals. With a beautiful garden and private access, it offers a tranquil retreat. Situated in a peaceful area, yet just 700 meters away from the village with its variety of shops and restaurants, the serene ambiance along the river creates a truly relaxing environment. Start your day with a delightful breakfast served on the terrace or indoors, depending on the weather and season.

Description for Gite

This lodging comfortably accommodates two adults and one child, offering a spacious living room, cozy sleeping quarters, and a well-equipped kitchen area with a refrigerator, microwave, sink, and stove. Additionally, it features a convenient shower room with a toilet. Enjoy the privacy of a private garden and terrace, and rest assured with the option of closed parking.


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extra bed
Notes: open all year
Notes: Open all year


Animals Allowed


  • Saint-Emilion Village: Located just 4 kilometers away, Saint-Emilion is a picturesque medieval village known for its vineyards and wine production. Visitors can explore the charming streets, visit the underground catacombs, and enjoy wine tastings at local wineries.
  • Château de la Rivière: Situated about 5 kilometers from Sainte Terre, Château de la Rivière is a beautiful castle surrounded by vineyards. It offers guided tours, wine tastings, and stunning views of the Dordogne River.
  • Château Troplong Mondot: Approximately 3 kilometers away, Château Troplong Mondot is a renowned vineyard and winery. Visitors can take guided tours of the estate, learn about the winemaking process, and sample their award-winning wines.
  • Château de Vayres: Located around 10 kilometers from Sainte Terre, Château de Vayres is a majestic castle with a rich history dating back to the 14th century. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the beautiful gardens, and even attend medieval-themed events.
  • Castillon-la-Bataille: Situated about 8 kilometers away, Castillon-la-Bataille is a small town known for its historical significance. It is the site of the famous Battle of Castillon, the last major conflict of the Hundred Years' War. Visitors can visit the Battle of Castillon Visitor Center and learn about the battle through interactive displays and reenactments.
  • Bordeaux: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Sainte Terre, Bordeaux is a vibrant city renowned for its wine culture and stunning architecture. Visitors can explore the historic city center, visit the Bordeaux Wine Museum, and enjoy wine tastings at various wine bars and cellars.
  • Dordogne River: Running through the region, the Dordogne River offers beautiful landscapes and various recreational activities. Visitors can go on scenic boat tours, enjoy riverside picnics, or try their hand at fishing.
  • Château de Montaigne: Situated about 20 kilometers away, Château de Montaigne is the former residence of the famous philosopher Michel de Montaigne. Visitors can explore the castle, library, and gardens while learning about Montaigne's life and works.
  • Grotte de Pair-non-Pair: Located around 15 kilometers from Sainte Terre, Grotte de Pair-non-Pair is an ancient prehistoric cave that contains well-preserved Paleolithic art. Guided tours allow visitors to discover the fascinating cave paintings and learn about the region's early human history. 10. Blaye Citadel: Situated approximately 45 kilometers away, the Blaye Citadel is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This 17th-century fortress offers panoramic views of the Gironde estuary and allows visitors to explore its ramparts, underground passages, and military barracks.

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