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Merete Gejel
28 Avenue Jean Prat


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Amethyst and Aquamarine: These two charming double rooms at our bed and breakfast offer a private sitting room, a bathroom equipped with a spa bath and walk-in shower, as well as a private toilet. Each room features a comfortable 160 cm bed and a TV. The first room is located on the ground floor, while the second one is situated on the first floor.

Jade: This spacious double room boasts a cozy double bed made of bamboo, measuring 160 cm. The room also includes a bathroom with a toilet and a walk-in shower. Guests can enjoy watching TV in the room, and it is fully accessible for individuals with disabilities. This room is located on the ground floor.

Ambre: Offering ample space, Ambre is a large double room with two 90 cm beds. The room features a bathroom with a toilet and a walk-in shower. It is also fully accessible for individuals with disabilities and includes a TV. This room is situated on the ground floor.

Carnet Travel: Perfect for families, this spacious suite consists of three rooms and a bathroom equipped with a shower and toilet. The suite includes one 140 cm bed, two super laid beds measuring 90 cm, and a living room with a desk. Additionally, the sofa bed in the living room can be converted into a comfortable 140 cm bed for two people.


Appréciations pour Domaine de Merete, Lourdes:

Notre Séjours au Domaine de Merete
Review by: Tirbakh, Fev 26 2012 8:31PM
Nous avons séjourné en couple avec notre petite fille de 8ans. C'est une véritable chambre d'hôtes dans tous les sens du terme. Merete et Jean- Jacques sont de charmants propriétaires passionnés. Leur gentillesse, leur disponibilité et leur accueil font qu'on a plus envie de les quitter. Jean-Jacques est un excellent cuisinier, qui allie avec succès les produits maison et ceux du terroir, les repas sont très copieux, Note fille a pu profiter à la vie de la ferme avec les nombreux animaux, lapins, volailles... Soigner les chevaux, avec Merete. Nous y revenons pour notre deuxième séjour, trop contents d'avoir enfin trouvé une chambre d'hôtes digne de ce nom !
Notation: Note globale: 10 / 10
Accueil: Excellent
Confort: Excellent
Propreté: Excellent
Petit déjeuner / Table d'hôtes: Excellent
Environnement: Excellent
Rapport qualité/prix: Excellent
Date du séjour: février 2012

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To reach the Estate of Merete, head out of Lourdes towards Pau on the road. Look for the sign of agglomeration, which is located between the common areas of Poueyferrée and Lourdes. If you are coming from Pau, you will find us at the entrance of Lourdes. Once you reach the gate, you will notice a shelter for the citybus.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 80 120 560 840 20 oui
Notes: 4 persons possible


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes: Located just a short distance from Avenue Jean Prat, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is a renowned Catholic pilgrimage site. It is believed to be the location where the Virgin Mary appeared to a young girl named Bernadette Soubirous in 1858.
  • Basilica of the Immaculate Conception: Situated within the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception is an impressive religious structure. It features stunning architecture and houses the Crypt, where Bernadette Soubirous' remains rest.
  • Grotto of Massabielle: This is the sacred grotto where the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. Visitors can see the spring that is believed to have miraculous healing properties and can take part in the famous Lourdes water rituals.
  • Château Fort de Lourdes: Located on a hill overlooking Lourdes, the Château Fort de Lourdes is a medieval fortress that offers panoramic views of the town and the Pyrenees. Visitors can explore its ramparts, towers, and historical exhibits.
  • Pic du Jer: A mountain located near Lourdes, Pic du Jer provides visitors with breathtaking views of the region. You can reach the summit by taking a funicular railway or hike up the trails. At the top, there is a restaurant and an observatory offering a magnificent vista.
  • Le Petit Lourdes: This museum tells the story of Lourdes through miniature dioramas. It showcases the significant events and landmarks of Lourdes in a creative and unique way, offering an interesting perspective on the town's history.
  • House of Saint Bernadette: The birthplace of Bernadette Soubirous has been transformed into a museum dedicated to her life and the events surrounding the apparitions. Visitors can explore the house and learn about her experiences through exhibits and audio guides.
  • Lourdes Wax Museum: This museum features a collection of wax figures depicting various historical and religious figures. It provides an educational and interactive experience, allowing visitors to learn about significant individuals and events.
  • Lac de Lourdes: Just outside the town, Lac de Lourdes is a tranquil lake surrounded by lush greenery. It offers opportunities for boating, picnicking, and leisurely walks, providing a peaceful escape from the bustling town center. 10. Museum of the Miraculous Medal: Located within the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, this museum displays a vast collection of religious artifacts and documents related to the Miraculous Medal and its history. It offers insights into the devotion and significance of this iconic medal.

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