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Quai Clemenceau
Lyon Caluire


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price from €840






Description for B&B:

Situated in a charming 1876s house, this delightful and roomy 3-star apartment offers stunning views of the Saône river and is conveniently located near the heart of Lyon. The living area is filled with natural light and includes a dining area, while the modern American-style kitchen is fully equipped. The apartment features two separate bedrooms and a generously-sized bathroom complete with both a bathtub and shower.


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Apartment 1 140 840




  • Parc de la Tête d'Or: Located just a short distance from Quai Clemenceau, Parc de la Tête d'Or is a magnificent urban park covering over 117 hectares. It features a large lake, a zoo, beautiful gardens, botanical exhibits, and various recreational activities such as boating and cycling.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière: This stunning basilica is perched atop Fourvière Hill and offers breathtaking panoramic views of Lyon. It is a masterpiece of architecture, mixing Romanesque and Byzantine influences. Inside, visitors can admire intricate mosaics and stunning stained glass windows.
  • Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon): Explore the charming medieval and Renaissance district of Vieux Lyon, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Stroll through its narrow cobblestone streets, discover hidden traboules (passageways), visit historical landmarks, and indulge in delicious local cuisine in one of its many traditional bouchons (restaurants).
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts: Lyon's Fine Arts Museum is housed in a beautiful 17th-century building and is one of the largest art museums in France. It boasts an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from various periods, including works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Picasso.
  • Place Bellecour: Situated in the heart of Lyon, Place Bellecour is one of the largest open squares in Europe. It is a popular gathering spot and offers a great starting point for exploring the city. Admire the equestrian statue of Louis XIV, relax in one of the cafes, or simply enjoy the vibrant atmosphere.
  • Musée des Confluences: Located at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers, this striking contemporary museum showcases the natural sciences, anthropology, and civilizations. Its impressive architecture alone is worth a visit, and the exhibits provide fascinating insights into the history of humanity and the natural world.
  • Croix-Rousse: Known as Lyon's "hill that works," Croix-Rousse was historically a silk-weaving district. Explore its charming streets, visit the Maison des Canuts to discover the history of silk production, and enjoy panoramic views of the city from the esplanade.
  • Musée Gadagne: Housed in the stunning 16th-century Gadagne Mansion, this museum offers a glimpse into the history of Lyon. It is divided into two sections: the Lyon History Museum and the Museum of Puppetry Arts. Discover Lyon's past through a range of exhibits, artworks, and historical artifacts.
  • Les Halles de Lyon - Paul Bocuse: Food enthusiasts should not miss a visit to Les Halles de Lyon. This famous indoor food market is a paradise for gastronomy lovers, offering a wide variety of fresh local produce, gourmet products, and specialty foods. It is named after the renowned French chef, Paul Bocuse. 10. Musée Miniature et Cinéma: Step into the fascinating world of miniatures and cinema at this unique museum. Marvel at incredibly detailed miniature scenes and models, including film sets, and explore the history of special effects in movies. It's a captivating experience for both children and adults. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in Lyon's rich history, culture, and natural beauty.

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