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Jean Mahin
17 Montée Du Docteur Maurice Chapuis


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Price per night:

price from €105





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Description for B&B:

La Bâtie bed and breakfast is a charming, private medieval tower that can accommodate two people. Situated on a 4000 square meter property, it is conveniently located near the center of Vienne in Isere. Offering complete privacy, this unique guest house offers an exceptional view of the city of Vienne and the beautiful Rhone Valley.

Perched on the slope of Mount Salomon, just below the medieval castle of La Bâtie, this small tower is a duplex measuring 40 square meters. The city center is easily accessible by foot in less than 10 minutes, and there is a closed and secure parking area.

The room itself is located at the top of the medieval tower, with its own entrance on the ground floor. As you enter through a rustic wooden door, you will find the bathroom connected to the bedroom. A spiral staircase with wrought iron work leads you down to the relaxation area below. This lower level includes a well-equipped kitchen and a comfortable space for relaxation. The relaxation area has its own entrance and opens onto a private terrace. From here, you can enjoy a unique view of the city and the Rhone Valley, allowing you to sleep peacefully in a place that is centuries old.

Your accommodation is nestled within one of the most beautiful and oldest properties in Vienne. Our house overlooks the city and the Rhone River, and the various corners of the park offer breathtaking views of the entire city and the entire Rhone Valley. Adjacent to your room, there is a hanging garden where you can admire the vineyards and the ruins of the 13th-century La Bâtie castle.


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To reach the Hospital, follow these travel directions: Take the Vienne exit from the A7 motorway and continue in the direction of the Hospital.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 105 110


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  • Musée de la Draperie: This museum is dedicated to the textile industry that played a significant role in Vienne's history. It showcases the techniques, tools, and fabrics used in textile production, offering insights into the city's industrial heritage. 10. Château de la Bâtie: Located on the outskirts of Vienne, this medieval castle offers panoramic views of the city and the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle grounds and enjoy its scenic beauty.

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