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Anne-Marie & Daniel Padet


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Price per night:

price from €90






Description for B&B:

Experience the ultimate comfort and aesthetic charm of our meticulously designed rooms, complemented by the provision of two bottles of refreshing water. These rooms, classified as 3-star Gites de France, are conveniently situated in a distinct annex for added privacy. Immerse yourself in the serenity of our splendid swimming pool, shared with the gracious owners. Indulge in a delightful breakfast served exclusively in a sunlit living room adorned with panoramic windows, offering breathtaking vistas of the majestic Monts du Lyonnais and the Massif du Pilat. Nestled in a tranquil and idyllic environment, our establishment provides the perfect sanctuary for a rejuvenating getaway. Conveniently located between the vibrant cities of Lyon and St Etienne, with easy access to Rive de Gier A47 just 5km away, our premises can be reached effortlessly via a well-paved road.


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If you are coming from Lyon on the A47, take Exit 11 towards Rive de Gier / St Martin La Plaine. After about 1.5km, at the first and second roundabouts, go in the direction of Rive de Gier. At the third roundabout, make a complete right turn towards Plain St Martin / St Joseph. Follow the markings for Bed and Breakfast Gîtes de France for about 5kms until you reach our home.

If you are coming from St Etienne on the A47, take Exit 11 towards Rive de Gier / St Martin La Plaine. At the first roundabout, take a left. At the second roundabout, go in the direction of Rive de Gier. At the third roundabout, make a complete right turn towards St Martins Plain / St Joseph. Follow the markings for Bed and Breakfast Gîtes de France for about 5kms until you reach our home.

Our guest rooms are conveniently located near the Sun Highway (A7). Whether you are coming from the North or South, when you reach the road junction of GIVORS, take the direction of A47 (towards Saint Etienne - Clermont Ferrand) and then take Exit 11 and follow the directions mentioned above for vehicles coming from Lyon.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 1 pers : 85 (all year except June - July - August and September: 95)


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


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  • Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Saint-Étienne Métropole - Situated in Saint-Étienne, around 30 km from Lieu Dit Navon, this modern art museum showcases a diverse collection of contemporary artworks and installations. The museum hosts regular temporary exhibitions, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat - Located approximately 40 km away from Lieu Dit Navon, Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat is a vast nature reserve offering breathtaking landscapes and outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, and picnicking amidst the park's lush forests, rolling hills, and scenic viewpoints.
  • Musée de la Mine - Situated in Saint-Étienne, around 32 km from Lieu Dit Navon, Musée de la Mine is a fascinating museum dedicated to the region's coal mining heritage. The museum provides an immersive experience, allowing visitors to explore the underground mine galleries and learn about the lives of miners through various exhibits.
  • Cité du Design - Located in Saint-Étienne, approximately 32 km away from Lieu Dit Navon, Cité du Design is a creative hub that celebrates design in all its forms. The center hosts exhibitions, workshops, and conferences, showcasing innovative design concepts and promoting creative thinking.
  • Château de Bouthéon - Situated in Andrézieux-Bouthéon, around 33 km from Lieu Dit Navon, Château de Bouthéon is a historic castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and a lake. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its elegant interiors, including period furnishings and art collections.
  • Musée des Civilisations - Located in Saint-Just-Saint-Rambert, approximately 24 km away from Lieu Dit Navon, Musée des Civilisations is a museum dedicated to the history and cultures of different civilizations. The museum showcases artifacts, artworks, and interactive displays, offering insights into various ancient civilizations.
  • Safari de Peaugres - Situated in Peaugres, around 80 km from Lieu Dit Navon, Safari de Peaugres is a wildlife park where visitors can embark on a safari adventure to observe over 900 animals from around the world. The park also features walking trails, playgrounds, and educational activities, making it a popular attraction for families. These attractions offer a diverse range of cultural, historical, artistic, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the beauty and rich heritage of the region surrounding Lieu Dit Navon in France.

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