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Nathalie Corbin
11 Impasse De La Galere


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Holiday Home 1 80 150 560 1050 9




  • Collioure Castle: Located just steps away from your address, Collioure Castle is a historic fortress overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. This 13th-century castle offers stunning panoramic views of the town and houses an art museum showcasing local Catalan artists.
  • Notre-Dame-des-Anges Church: Situated in the heart of Collioure, this charming church is known for its unique pink bell tower. Built in the 17th century, it features beautiful Catalan Gothic architecture and is a popular spot for weddings and religious ceremonies.
  • Royal Castle of Collioure: Another notable castle in the area, the Royal Castle of Collioure is perched on a hilltop overlooking the town and the sea. Dating back to the 13th century, it served as a residence for the Kings of Mallorca and later as a prison. Today, visitors can explore its well-preserved ruins and enjoy breathtaking views.
  • Collioure Lighthouse: Located on a picturesque rocky outcrop, the Collioure Lighthouse is a striking landmark in the town. Built in the 19th century, it guides ships along the coast and offers a great viewpoint to admire the coastline and the bay.
  • Moulin de Collioure: This traditional windmill stands as a symbol of the town's heritage. Located near the beach, it offers a glimpse into Collioure's past as a fishing and wine-producing village. Visitors can learn about the milling process and enjoy a picturesque view of the sea.
  • Anse de Paulilles: A short drive from Collioure, Anse de Paulilles is a stunning natural cove known for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. This former dynamite factory site has been transformed into a nature reserve, offering hiking trails, picnic areas, and a museum dedicated to the region's industrial history.
  • Eglise Saint-Vincent: Situated in the neighboring village of Banyuls-sur-Mer, Eglise Saint-Vincent is a beautiful church known for its colorful stained glass windows and intricate woodwork. It also houses a small museum showcasing religious artifacts.
  • Fort Saint-Elme: Located on a hill above Collioure, Fort Saint-Elme is a 16th-century fortress offering panoramic views of the surrounding area. This well-preserved military stronghold now houses a museum where visitors can learn about the history of the fort and the region.
  • La Balette Beach: Just a short stroll from your location, La Balette Beach is a popular spot for sunbathing and swimming. With its golden sand and clear waters, it provides a relaxing setting to enjoy the Mediterranean climate. 10. Musée d'Art Moderne de Collioure: This museum showcases a collection of modern and contemporary art, with a particular focus on the Fauvist movement. Housed in a former wine cellar, it features works by renowned artists such as Henri Matisse and André Derain, who were inspired by Collioure's vibrant colors and scenery.

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