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Chantal Zen
20 La Mazeire
La Sauniere


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

Surrounded by a picturesque green landscape, immerse yourself in the tranquility of the countryside. Your stay will be exclusively in a recently renovated house that offers modern comforts. On the ground floor, you will find a cozy living room and a well-equipped kitchenette. Upstairs, there is a bedroom with a comfortable 160-sized bed and a television. Additionally, there is another bedroom with two 90-sized beds, perfect for accommodating children. The house also features a baby bed, a bathroom with a bathtub and toilet, a terrace, a sauna, and WIFI access. Moreover, you will have access to a spacious park. Enjoy a special offer of 6 nights for the price of 7, and choose any day of the week to start your unforgettable retreat.


Appréciations pour Chambre Zen, La Sauniere:

Excellent sejour
Review by: Auréjac, Sep 20 2022 6:24PM
Tarif très raisonnable particulièrement sur plusieurs jours, accueil chaleureux, belle surface, très tranquille, petits déjeuners charmants et finale en feu d'artifice avec un concert de jazz dans la grange ! Et plein de choses à voir tout autour. Belle semaine.
Très Agréable
Review by: SAB, Aou 16 2016 11:59AM
Petite soirée et nuit que nous avons passé, de passage vers les vacances en Ardèche.
L'hôte est très accueillante, et très amicale.
Un superbe gîte, très propre et de très bon goût.
Merci à vous pour votre gentillesse. Bisous de la famille Vaillant du 44.
Response from property:
Merci à vous. Si un jour votre route passe à nouveau par la Creuse, n'hésitez pas, je vous reverrai avec grand plaisir.
Très belle région
Review by: Les 3 Tourangelles, Juil 16 2016 12:49PM
Merci pour ce très beau séjour chez vous qui nous a permis de découvrir une magnifique région
.Que du bonheur.
.Une maison très agréable avec une hôtesse charmante...Merci....
Response from property:
Merci les filles. Très belle rencontre, je suis ravie que la Creuse vous ait plu. Revenez quand vous voulez, il y a encore plein de petites routes à découvrir...
une jolie, spacieuse et agréable maison
Review by: Famille PAILLASSON Clément, Juil 21 2015 10:50AM
Nous sommes touchés par la gentillesse de Chantal. Le soin apporté à la maison est superbe, la décoration très agréable, une hôte très accueillante, un lieu très spacieux pour un très bon séjour !
Response from property:
Merci pour votre commentaire, vous avez été des hôtes adorables. J'espère que nous aurons l'occasion de nous revoir.
Merveilleux séjour
Review by: BLANC, Aou 19 2013 2:24PM
Charmante maison où il fait bon se ressourcer. Accueil trés chaleureux, échanges trés enrichissants avec la maîtresse des lieux (trés belle rencontre !). Région à découvrir pour la beauté de ses paysages et ses nombreuses activités.
Tout est là pour passer un séjour inoubliable et calme. Un seul regret : être restés si peu de temps mais nous reviendrons...

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To reach our guest house, you need to travel 10km from GUERET. Take the road leading to Aubusson / Clermont-Ferrand-942 RD. After crossing ETS Feyrer, continue for approximately 3km until you reach an area called Correspondence. At this point, cross the area and take the first road on your left. Keep driving for about 200m until you reach an intersection. Our guest house is located there. If you are using GPS, the coordinates are: Latitude: 46.1306331 and Longitude: 1.9550282.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
1 85 10€ OUI




  • Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux: Located in Bayeux, approximately 240 kilometers from La Sauniere, this museum is known for housing the famous Bayeux Tapestry. The tapestry depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066 and is a remarkable piece of medieval art.
  • Château de Valençay: Situated in Valençay, about 120 kilometers from La Sauniere, this stunning Renaissance-style castle offers visitors a glimpse into French history. Explore its opulent interiors, extensive gardens, and enjoy exhibitions on Napoleon Bonaparte, who once owned the castle.
  • Puy du Fou: Located in Les Epesses, roughly 480 kilometers from La Sauniere, Puy du Fou is a historical theme park that offers immersive experiences through reenactments of various eras such as the Roman Empire, medieval jousting, and Viking invasions. It is renowned for its spectacular live shows.
  • Château de Chenonceau: Situated in Chenonceaux, around 200 kilometers from La Sauniere, this magnificent castle is often referred to as the "Ladies' Castle" due to the influential women who shaped its history. Marvel at its unique architecture, exquisite gardens, and visit the art gallery inside.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located in Normandy, approximately 340 kilometers from La Sauniere, Mont Saint-Michel is an iconic medieval abbey perched atop a rocky island. Explore its narrow streets, visit the abbey, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding bay.
  • Grotte de Lascaux: Situated in Montignac, around 450 kilometers from La Sauniere, the Grotte de Lascaux is a prehistoric cave complex famous for its Paleolithic cave paintings. Although the original cave is closed to the public, a replica known as Lascaux II provides visitors with a remarkable reproduction of the artwork.
  • Château de Chambord: Located in Chambord, approximately 300 kilometers from La Sauniere, this grand Renaissance castle is a masterpiece of French architecture. Admire its double-helix staircase, explore the expansive grounds, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Palais des Papes: Situated in Avignon, around 350 kilometers from La Sauniere, the Palais des Papes is a magnificent Gothic palace that served as the residence of the Avignon popes in the 14th century. Take a guided tour to discover its opulent chambers, chapels, and enjoy panoramic views from the top.
  • Parc Asterix: Located in Plailly, roughly 460 kilometers from La Sauniere, Parc Asterix is a popular theme park based on the beloved French comic book series, Asterix. Experience thrilling rides, live shows, and meet your favorite characters from the comics. 10. Cité de Carcassonne: Situated in Carcassonne, around 400 kilometers from La Sauniere, this fortified city is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore its medieval walls, visit the impressive Château Comtal, and wander through the narrow streets filled with shops and restaurants.

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