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Joelle Philip Duermael
Route de saint Pierre


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Price per night:

price from €343






Description for B&B:

Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Haute-Provence and the charming "Pays de Giono," this restored ancient sheep-barn is perfectly situated between the enchanting Luberon and the majestic Montagne de Lure. Only a short distance from the captivating village of Lurs and the vibrant town of Forcalquier, this tranquil haven provides a serene and comfortable retreat. Immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of the French skies, just a stone's throw away from Saint Michel l'Observatoire.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 343 343 oui


Swimming Pool
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  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about 40 kilometers from Pierrerue, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning natural attraction known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views, hike along the rim, or rent a kayak or canoe to explore the turquoise waters of the Verdon River.
  • Moustiers-Sainte-Marie: Situated around 15 kilometers from Pierrerue, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie is a charming medieval village nestled between two cliffs. Known for its ceramic industry, it offers picturesque streets, a 12th-century church, and stunning views from the Notre-Dame de Beauvoir chapel.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: Just a short drive from Pierrerue, Lac de Sainte-Croix is a beautiful turquoise lake that forms the entrance to the Gorges du Verdon. Visitors can relax on its sandy beaches, rent paddleboats or electric boats, and enjoy various water activities, including swimming and windsurfing.
  • Aiguines: Located on the banks of Lac de Sainte-Croix, Aiguines is a small hilltop village with panoramic views of the lake and surrounding countryside. It features a 16th-century castle that now houses a museum dedicated to local history and craftsmanship.
  • Riez: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Pierrerue, Riez is a Roman town with well-preserved archaeological sites. Visitors can explore the remains of the ancient city walls, the Roman baths, and the Romanesque cathedral. The town is also known for its vibrant weekly market.
  • Notre-Dame du Roc: Situated in Castellane, about 30 kilometers from Pierrerue, Notre-Dame du Roc is a pilgrimage site located on a rocky outcrop. Visitors can climb up the steps to the chapel and enjoy panoramic views of the town and surrounding landscape.
  • Thoronet Abbey: Located around 70 kilometers from Pierrerue, Thoronet Abbey is a Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. This architectural masterpiece is known for its simplicity and harmony. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the abbey and its beautiful surroundings.
  • Forcalquier: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Pierrerue, Forcalquier is a charming town with a rich history. It offers a picturesque old town, a medieval citadel, and a vibrant market on Mondays. The town is also known for its annual lavender festival in August.
  • Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume: Located about 80 kilometers from Pierrerue, Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume is home to the Basilica of Saint-Mary-Magdalene, which houses the relics of Mary Magdalene. Visitors can explore the beautiful basilica and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this Provençal town. 10. Manosque: Situated approximately 25 kilometers from Pierrerue, Manosque is a lively town known for its connection to the famous writer Jean Giono. Visitors can explore the historic old town, visit the Jean Giono Center, and enjoy the vibrant cultural scene, including festivals and exhibitions.

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