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Olivier Samoy
620 Chemin De La Pierre Du Coq



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Price per week:

price from €1990





Description for Gite

Throughout the entire year, this charming gite is available for weekly rentals and from November to the end of March, a minimum stay of 2 nights is required. Perfect for both family vacations and gatherings of friends, this property offers the perfect getaway.

The gite comprises of a beautiful bastide and a quaint bastidon, both surrounded by a meticulously landscaped and secure garden. With a total of 8 rooms divided between the two houses, the bastide boasts 5 bedrooms with 4 bathrooms, while the bastidon features 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms.

In terms of accommodation, this charming gite comfortably accommodates up to 15 adults, and even more if there are children under the age of 2.


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 15 1990 4020 180


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


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