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Bonnichon Yves



4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

If you're seeking a tranquil escape in a peaceful countryside location, look no further than this charming 19th-century farmhouse. With its convenient proximity of just 300m from the GR34 trail, it offers an ideal retreat for you and your family. Explore the nearby sea by simply following a small path located directly behind the house, with a leisurely descent taking just 10 minutes, and a pleasant stroll back requiring only 15 minutes.

Description for Gite

We have two charming wooden chalets available for your stay. These chalets are of the same size but feature unique designs. One can accommodate 2 to 3 people, while the other is perfect for 4 to 5 guests. Both chalets offer a cozy covered terrace where you can relax and enjoy the surroundings. Inside, you will find a bathroom, a separate toilet, a television, and a fully-equipped kitchen. Additionally, each chalet is equipped with its own washing machine.


Appréciations pour La Bretagne en Gites et Chambres D'hotes Près Paimpol, Ploubazlanec-paimpol:

Tour en Bretagne
Review by: Eric et famille, Mar 13 2016 9:16PM
Chambre d'hôte à l'étage : espace bien agencé, spacieux et agréable pour accueillir un couple et un enfant .
Le lieu, très calme et avec de beaux espaces verts est proche d' une petite plage accessible à pieds.
Petit déjeuner copieux avec produits du terroir, servi dans un cadre charmant, éveillant la curiosité !
La Bretagne comme on l'aime!
Review by: Drouet Bruno, Fev 24 2012 7:00PM
Accueil chaleureux. Chambre propre et calme. Petit déjeuner inoubliable!! Beaucoup de sites à découvrir avec étonnement et bonheur...Obligés de revenir!
chambres d'hote de qualité
Review by: STRUPLER Maurice, Fev 28 2011 5:52PM
un site agréablement fleuri, calme et repos assuré, proximité de la mer et de l'embarqement pour Bréhat.
L'acceuil est trés sympathique. Les petits déjeuner extraordinaires : patisseries, confitures, yaourt etc.. tout fait maison. Chambres confortables.
Séjour en chambre d'hotes chez Mr et Mme Bonnichon
Review by: ailliot, Aou 21 2010 12:43PM
Séjour inoubliable...Acceuille,ambiance et confort irreprochable. Petit déjeuner impressionant par la quantité et le choix de gateaux,de crepes, de brioches de confitures etc...Tout est fait maison !!! Que du bonheur pour les amoureux de calme et de convivialité.Nous projetons déja notre prochain séjour en ce lieu !!!

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To travel from Paimpol to Bréhat, start by heading towards the village of Ploubazlanec. Once in Ploubazlanec, continue straight at the lights towards Bréhat for 800m. Then, take a left turn and follow the signs for "Bed and Breakfast" labeled as Pannals.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 55 60 oui
(3 pers.)
1 73 75 oui
Holiday Home 2 350 550 non


Animals Allowed


  • Abbaye de Beauport: Located in Paimpol, this Cistercian abbey dates back to the 13th century and offers stunning views of the sea. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins, gardens, and learn about the abbey's history.
  • Île de Bréhat: A short boat ride away from Ploubazlanec, Île de Bréhat is a picturesque island known for its colorful flowers and charming atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy walking or cycling around the island, visit its lighthouses, and relax on its beautiful beaches.
  • Paimpol Harbor: Paimpol's bustling harbor is a great place to soak up the maritime atmosphere. Watch the fishing boats come and go, browse local shops and restaurants, and visit the Maison de l'Islandais museum to learn about the town's rich seafaring history.
  • Château de la Roche-Jagu: Situated in Ploëzal, this medieval fortress offers beautiful panoramic views over the Trieux Valley. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, stroll through its gardens, and enjoy various cultural events hosted on the grounds.
  • Ploumanac'h Lighthouse and Pink Granite Coast: About an hour's drive from Ploubazlanec, the Pink Granite Coast near Perros-Guirec features unique rock formations sculpted by the sea. The Ploumanac'h Lighthouse stands as a prominent landmark in this area, offering breathtaking views of the coastline.
  • Tréguier: Located along the Jaudy River, Tréguier is a charming town with a rich architectural heritage. Explore its narrow streets, visit the 14th-century cathedral, and enjoy the bustling weekly market.
  • Sillon de Talbert: This natural sandbar stretches out into the sea for nearly 3 kilometers and is a unique geological formation. Visitors can take a leisurely walk along the Sillon de Talbert, observe various bird species, and enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery.
  • La Roche aux Fées: Situated in Essé, this prehistoric dolmen is believed to have been constructed around 4,500 BC. Explore this ancient burial site, marvel at its massive stones, and learn about its historical significance.
  • Château de la Hunaudaye: Located near Plédéliac, this medieval fortress offers a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can tour the castle's towers, explore its courtyard, and attend various medieval-themed events throughout the year. 10. Beauport Bay: Just outside Paimpol, Beauport Bay is a scenic natural area with a sandy beach and rugged cliffs. Take a walk along the coastal paths, enjoy a picnic with a view, and soak in the tranquility of this beautiful bay.

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