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1, Place Georges Clémenceau
Murviel les Béziers


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €117






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our majestic castle situated atop a hill in the heart of Murviel, a picturesque old medieval village. We are delighted to extend our warmest hospitality to you. Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of this historic location, boasting expansive and authentic bedrooms that seamlessly blend traditional charm with modern comforts. Indulge in the tranquility of our interior private garden, where a delightful breakfast is served during the summer months.

Within the Medieval Wing, five enchanting rooms eagerly await their esteemed guests. For larger family gatherings, the Renaissance Wing is available for exclusive weekly rentals, offering a selection of exquisite reception rooms. Additionally, we are pleased to offer our services for organizing events, seminars, and receptions of varying scales, tailored to meet your specific needs.


Appréciations pour Chateau de Murviel, Murviel les Béziers:

Gîte de charme ensorceleur
Review by: Emilie Martin, Juil 13 2020 2:33PM
Un pur bonheur
Un moment d'exception hors du temps
Un accueil royal. Des hôtes aux petits soins pour vous rendre votre séjour le plus agréable possible
Un cadre magnifique où l'on devient une princesse
Un spa que l'on vous privatise qui vous fait vous évader au pays des mille et une nuits....
Que du bonheur
N'hésitez surtout pas à venir vous évader et vous ressourcer en ce lieu !!!!

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 117 121 25 Oui


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  • Béziers Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Béziers, Béziers Cathedral is a stunning Gothic-style cathedral dating back to the 13th century. It boasts beautiful stained glass windows and offers panoramic views of the city from its tower.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a 17th-century canal that stretches over 240 kilometers from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take boat tours, rent bicycles, or simply enjoy a leisurely walk along its banks.
  • Saint-Nazaire Cathedral: Situated in the city of Béziers, Saint-Nazaire Cathedral is another impressive Gothic-style cathedral. Its construction began in the 14th century and continued for several centuries. The cathedral features intricate carvings and houses an impressive organ.
  • Château de Carcassonne: Located in the city of Carcassonne, this medieval fortress is a must-visit attraction. It is one of the most well-preserved fortified cities in Europe and offers a fascinating glimpse into medieval architecture and history.
  • Les Neuf Ecluses de Fonséranes: Just a short drive from Murviel les Béziers, the Les Neuf Ecluses de Fonséranes is a unique set of locks on the Canal du Midi. The staircase of locks allows boats to overcome a significant height difference and is a remarkable engineering feat.
  • Pézenas: Known as the "City of Molière," Pézenas is a charming town with well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, visit artisan shops, and explore the numerous art galleries and antique stores.
  • Abbaye de Fontcaude: Situated in Cazedarnes, Abbaye de Fontcaude is a former Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. It is surrounded by picturesque vineyards and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to discover its rich history and beautiful architecture.
  • Narbonne: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Murviel les Béziers, Narbonne is a historic city with Roman origins. It features a stunning cathedral, ancient Roman ruins, and the impressive Canal de la Robine, which flows through its center.
  • Gorges d'Héric: Nestled in the heart of the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park, the Gorges d'Héric offers breathtaking natural beauty. Visitors can hike through scenic trails, swim in natural pools, and enjoy stunning views of the rugged cliffs and waterfalls. 10. Les Arenes de Beziers: These Roman amphitheaters in Béziers are a testament to the city's ancient past. Built in the 1st century AD, they once hosted gladiator fights and other spectacles. Today, visitors can explore the ruins and learn about the area's history. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and architectural wonders to natural beauty, ensuring there is something for every tourist near Place Georges Clémenceau in Murviel les Béziers.

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