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Philippe Danquin
29 Boulevard De Kerpezdron


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Price per night:

price from €135


02 23 17 32 39


06 48 61 49 68


Description for B&B:

Experience the allure of Breton culture in our exquisite 4 suites, ranging from 30m2 to 40m2, with one conveniently located on the ground floor. Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Brittany, savoring its delectable pancakes, renowned crustaceans freshly harvested from the sea. Our spacious and inviting suites nestled within a sprawling garden await your arrival, promising a truly exotic and intimate escape that will leave a lasting impression. We would be delighted to extend our warmest hospitality to you during your stay.


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(2 pers.)
4 135 190


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  • Saint-Malo: Located just a few kilometers away, Saint-Malo is a historic walled city known for its stunning architecture, beautiful beaches, and vibrant atmosphere. Explore the cobblestone streets, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, and take a walk along the city walls for breathtaking views of the sea.
  • Dinard: Situated on the opposite bank of the Rance River estuary, Dinard is a charming seaside town renowned for its Belle Époque villas and picturesque beaches. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Promenade du Clair de Lune, visit the beautiful gardens of Villa Strassburger, or relax on one of the sandy beaches.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located about an hour's drive from Saint-Lunaire, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey, perched on a rocky island, attracts millions of visitors each year. Explore the narrow streets, climb to the abbey's top for panoramic views, and witness the mesmerizing tides that surround the island.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated on the Emerald Coast, Cap Fréhel offers dramatic cliffs, stunning coastal views, and picturesque walking trails. Take a hike along the GR34 trail to admire the rugged beauty of the cliffs, visit the lighthouse perched on the cape, and enjoy the panoramic vistas of the English Channel.
  • Fort La Latte: Located near Cap Fréhel, Fort La Latte is a medieval fortress that has been remarkably preserved. Immerse yourself in history as you explore the castle's towers, drawbridge, and battlements. The fort also offers breathtaking views of the coastline and the sea.
  • Cancale: Known as the "oyster capital" of Brittany, Cancale is a charming fishing village famous for its delicious seafood. Enjoy a stroll along the harbor, savor fresh oysters at one of the local restaurants, and take in the picturesque views of the coastline.
  • Rennes: As the capital city of Brittany, Rennes offers a mix of historical charm and modern vibrancy. Explore the medieval city center with its half-timbered houses, visit the impressive Rennes Cathedral, and wander through the beautiful Thabor Gardens.
  • Château de Dinan: Located in the medieval town of Dinan, the Château de Dinan is a well-preserved castle that dates back to the 14th century. Climb the castle's ramparts for panoramic views of the town and the Rance River, and explore the castle's interior to learn about its fascinating history.
  • Saint-Lunaire Beaches: Don't miss the beautiful beaches right in Saint-Lunaire itself. Plage de Longchamp and Plage de la Fosse aux Vaults offer sandy shores, crystal-clear waters, and a perfect spot for sunbathing, swimming, or enjoying water sports. 10. La Cité d'Aleth: Located in Saint-Servan, La Cité d'Aleth is an archaeological site that showcases the remains of a Gallo-Roman settlement. Discover the ancient city's defensive walls, Roman baths, and other fascinating ruins while learning about its rich history. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic cities and castles to enjoying the natural beauty of the coastline and indulging in delicious seafood.

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