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16 Chemin du Pal de Fer
St Hilaire du Touvet


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

This description showcases a luminous and spacious abode with its own separate entrance, accompanied by a charming private terrace and an orchard conveniently located across from the entrance. Inside, you will find a well-equipped kitchenette, a comfortable bathroom, and a private toilet. To top it off, this delightful space offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the stunning Massif de Chartreuse and Belledonne mountains. Enjoy a peaceful and secluded retreat, away from the hustle and bustle, within close proximity to the Wings area.


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To get to St Hilaire du Touvet from Grenoble, take the A 41 motorway and exit at Chambéry 24.1. Follow the signs towards St Hilaire du Touvet.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 60


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Cable Car of St Hilaire du Touvet: Located just steps away from the given address, the Cable Car of St Hilaire du Touvet offers breathtaking panoramic views of the French Alps. It takes visitors to the top of the mountain, where they can enjoy hiking trails and paragliding activities.
  • Fort du Saint-Eynard: Situated about 5 kilometers from the address, Fort du Saint-Eynard is a historic military fortification that provides stunning views of Grenoble and the surrounding mountains. Visitors can explore the fort's underground galleries and learn about its history through informative exhibits.
  • Bastille Grenoble: Located approximately 10 kilometers away in Grenoble, Bastille is a hill fortress accessible by a cable car or a hike. It offers magnificent vistas of the city and the surrounding Alps. Visitors can explore the fort, visit the museum, and enjoy dining options with scenic views.
  • Museum of Grenoble: Situated around 12 kilometers away in Grenoble, the Museum of Grenoble is renowned for its extensive art collection, including works by famous artists such as Picasso, Monet, and Matisse. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and offers a beautiful setting for art enthusiasts.
  • Palais du Parlement: Found in the heart of Grenoble, approximately 12 kilometers from the given address, the Palais du Parlement is a historical building that served as a parliament during the Dauphiné region's time. Visitors can admire its stunning architecture and explore the surrounding charming streets.
  • Jardin des Dauphins: Situated in Grenoble, about 12 kilometers away, Jardin des Dauphins is a picturesque park known for its beautiful floral displays, water features, and sculptures. It offers a peaceful environment for leisurely walks, picnics, or simply enjoying nature.
  • Stendhal's Birthplace Museum: Located in Grenoble, around 12 kilometers from the address, this museum is dedicated to the famous French writer Stendhal. It showcases his personal belongings, manuscripts, and offers insights into his life and literary works.
  • Musée de la Houille Blanche: Situated in Villard-Bonnot, approximately 20 kilometers from the address, this museum focuses on the history and technology of hydroelectric power. Visitors can learn about the development of hydroelectricity and its impact on the region through interactive exhibits and displays.
  • Chartreuse Cellars: Found in Voiron, about 30 kilometers away, the Chartreuse Cellars are home to the famous Chartreuse liqueur. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the liqueur's history, production process, and sample different varieties. 10. Château de Vizille: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from the address, Château de Vizille is a stunning historical castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. It houses the Museum of the French Revolution, which showcases artifacts and exhibits related to this significant historical period. Please note that distances are approximate and may vary depending on the exact location of the given address.

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