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Chemin du Four


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  • Pont Julien - Located just a short distance from Chemin du Four in Bonnieux, Pont Julien is a well-preserved Roman bridge. Dating back to 3 BC, this historical landmark offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Château de Lacoste - Situated in the charming village of Lacoste, near Bonnieux, this castle holds great historical significance. It was once the residence of the infamous Marquis de Sade and now serves as the backdrop for various cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Abbaye de Sénanque - Nestled in a picturesque valley near Gordes, the Abbaye de Sénanque is a Cistercian abbey founded in the 12th century. Its iconic lavender fields make it a popular spot for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • Village des Bories - Located close to Gordes, the Village des Bories showcases traditional dry-stone huts known as bories. Visitors can explore this open-air museum and learn about the rural lifestyle of the past.
  • Colorado Provençal - Situated in Rustrel, the Colorado Provençal is a unique geological formation that resembles the American Southwest. This site features vibrant ochre cliffs, canyons, and trails where visitors can hike and admire the stunning natural beauty.
  • Village of Roussillon - Known for its striking red and ochre-colored buildings, Roussillon is a charming village perched on a hilltop. Explore its narrow streets, art galleries, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding Luberon Valley.
  • Domaine de la Citadelle - Wine enthusiasts can visit this renowned vineyard located near Ménerbes. Take a guided tour to learn about winemaking processes and sample their exquisite wines in a beautiful setting.
  • Village of Lourmarin - Just a short drive from Bonnieux, Lourmarin is a delightful Provencal village known for its quaint streets, cafes, and charming boutiques. It also boasts the stunning Lourmarin Castle, which dates back to the Renaissance period.
  • Musée de la Lavande - Located in Coustellet, this museum showcases the history and production of lavender in the region. Visitors can learn about the distillation process, explore the lavender fields, and purchase lavender products. 10. Oppede-le-Vieux - Situated on a hilltop, Oppede-le-Vieux offers a glimpse into medieval times with its ancient ruins and narrow streets. The village's captivating charm and panoramic views make it a memorable destination for history enthusiasts.

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