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Edith Vicier
81 Rue De La Garenne
Amphion Publier



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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

This house is located just 80m away from the beautiful Lake Geneva. It offers two cozy guest rooms and a shared bathroom. The property also features a lovely garden, parking space, and a convenient summer kitchen that is at your disposal.


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The village is located on the shores of Lake Geneva, between Thonon and Evian.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 30
(3 pers.)
1 100 80


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Chillon - Located in Montreux, Switzerland, Château de Chillon is a stunning medieval castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva. It offers breathtaking views, rich historical significance, and guided tours showcasing its well-preserved architecture.
  • Evian-les-Bains - Situated on the southern shore of Lake Geneva, Evian-les-Bains is a charming French town known for its natural mineral water. Besides indulging in the renowned spa treatments, visitors can explore the picturesque waterfront, visit the Palais Lumière, and enjoy the beautiful parks and gardens.
  • Lavaux Vineyards - Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Lavaux Vineyards stretch along the lakeshore between Lausanne and Vevey in Switzerland. This terraced vineyard region offers stunning views of Lake Geneva and the Alps, making it an ideal destination for wine lovers and hiking enthusiasts alike.
  • Montreux - Nestled on the Swiss Riviera, Montreux is a vibrant town known for its annual Jazz Festival and breathtaking scenery. Visitors can explore the charming promenade, visit the Freddie Mercury statue, enjoy boat trips on Lake Geneva, and admire the stunning mountains surrounding the town.
  • Yvoire - Situated on the shores of Lake Geneva, Yvoire is a medieval village known for its well-preserved architecture and beautiful flower decorations. Explore the narrow cobbled streets, visit the picturesque harbor, and admire the enchanting gardens of the Château d'Yvoire.
  • Lausanne - Located in Switzerland, Lausanne is a dynamic city known for its Olympic history and stunning views of Lake Geneva. Explore the charming old town, visit the Olympic Museum, enjoy the vibrant nightlife, and take in the beautiful scenery from the Sauvabelin Tower.
  • Gorges du Pont du Diable - Translating to "Devil's Bridge Gorges," this natural attraction is located near the town of Vernayaz in Switzerland. Visitors can hike along the narrow, rocky paths, cross the impressive bridge, and marvel at the breathtaking beauty of the gorges carved by the rushing waters of the river.
  • Château de Ripaille - Situated near Thonon-les-Bains in France, Château de Ripaille is a historic castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and vineyards. Explore the castle's rich history, visit the winery, and enjoy wine tastings while taking in the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Lutry - Located on the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland, Lutry is a charming medieval town known for its picturesque waterfront and vineyards. Stroll through the narrow streets, visit the Romanesque church, and indulge in delicious local wines and cuisine. 10. Chaplin's World - Situated in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, Chaplin's World is a museum dedicated to the life and work of the iconic actor Charlie Chaplin. Visitors can explore the film sets, watch screenings of his movies, and learn about the fascinating life of this legendary entertainer.