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Sophie Deloison
1 Quai Du Romerel
Saint Valery Sur Somme


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

The old house is split into three separate apartments, each one featuring its own kitchen and bathroom.

Description for Gite

Enjoy breathtaking views of the bay from our charming apartments designed to accommodate 3 or 4 guests.


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extra bed
Apartment 3 50 75



  • Maison de l'Oiseau (House of Birds): Located in Saint Valery Sur Somme, Maison de l'Oiseau is a fascinating museum dedicated to birds and their habitats. It offers interactive displays and exhibits, allowing visitors to learn about the local avian species and their conservation efforts.
  • Chapelle des Marins (Sailors' Chapel): Situated on the quayside of Saint Valery Sur Somme, this charming chapel is a place of worship for sailors and fishermen. With its picturesque location and serene atmosphere, it is an ideal spot for quiet contemplation and enjoying beautiful views of the harbor.
  • Somme Bay Railway: The historic Somme Bay Railway offers a memorable way to explore the natural beauty of the region. Hop aboard a vintage steam train and enjoy a scenic journey through the picturesque landscapes of the Somme Bay, passing by marshes, dunes, and charming coastal villages.
  • Jardins de Valloires (Valloires Gardens): A short drive from Saint Valery Sur Somme, the Valloires Gardens are a true horticultural gem. These stunning gardens encompass over 8 hectares and feature a variety of beautifully landscaped areas, including a rose garden, water garden, and a stunning abbey backdrop.
  • Abbey and Gardens of Saint-Riquier: Located in the nearby town of Saint-Riquier, this historic abbey is a must-visit attraction. Explore the impressive Romanesque architecture, admire the exquisite stained glass windows, and take a leisurely stroll through the surrounding gardens, which offer a peaceful and idyllic setting.
  • Le Parc du Marquenterre (Marquenterre Park): Situated a short distance from Saint Valery Sur Somme, Le Parc du Marquenterre is a renowned nature reserve and bird sanctuary. Visitors can enjoy guided walks or bike rides through the park's diverse ecosystems, observe a wide variety of bird species, and learn about the importance of conservation.
  • Saint-Valery-sur-Somme Medieval City: Immerse yourself in history by exploring the medieval city of Saint-Valery-sur-Somme. Wander through its narrow streets, admire the well-preserved medieval architecture, and discover charming boutiques, cafes, and art galleries. Don't forget to visit the ancient city walls and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée Picarvie (Picarvie Museum): Located in Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, this unique museum showcases the traditional rural life of the Picardy region. Discover agricultural tools, traditional costumes, and local crafts. The museum also offers interactive exhibits and workshops, providing a hands-on experience for visitors of all ages. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from cultural and historical exploration to natural beauty and wildlife encounters.

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