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49 Rue De La Ferte
Saint Valery Sur Somme



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Price per night:

price from €115





Description for B&B:

What is your ideal experience during your stay at Suivezlelapinblanc? Do you envision immersing yourself in the magical ambiance of the Mary Poppins room, feeling like you're in a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious world? Or perhaps you desire to be at the center of a spatiotemporal adventure with Marty McFly? Maybe the allure of Thomas Edward Lawrence's invitation to travel has captured your interest? Alternatively, you may be yearning to discover the elegance and refinement of Sayuri, the Queen of the Geisha.

All of these captivating universes come together in a charming manor house that once belonged to the Apothecary. This historic location serves as the perfect backdrop for our imaginative ideas, aiming to create a truly unique and inviting atmosphere. Here, conviviality and escapism are cherished values.

Situated in St Valery / Somme, you won't even need to rely on your car to explore the heart of the beautiful Baie de Somme and its plethora of activities. From the old town with its breathtaking panoramic views of the bay to nature walks, discovering seals by canoe, cycling adventures, and experiencing the nostalgic ambiance of a steam train from the 1900s – there are endless possibilities to keep you entertained. You can also enjoy tranquil boat rides or more adventurous zodiac excursions to get up close with the seals. Explore the picturesque Herbarium at the foot of the ramparts or indulge in a culinary journey at one of the many diverse restaurants – ranging from gastronomy to traditional cuisine.

Furthermore, don't forget to explore the must-see attractions near St Valery, including the ornithological Park of Marquenterre, the House of the Bay of Somme, the Abbey of Valloires with its stunning gardens, the unique wood of Cise, the path of the sea, the beautiful beaches of Fort Mahon, the captivating cliffs of Ault, and the charming villas of Mers-les-bains. The choices are endless – it's up to you! But remember, we are here to assist you every step of the way.


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Our address is 49 rue de la Ferté, situated on the main street of Saint Valery / Somme, positioned between the port and the grand square of Pilots.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 115 125 50
(3 pers.)
2 165 175


Credit cards accepted


  • Baie de Somme: Located just a short distance from Rue De La Ferte, Baie de Somme is a picturesque bay known for its stunning natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy activities like birdwatching, hiking, and boat trips to explore the diverse flora and fauna of the region.
  • Saint-Valery-sur-Somme: This charming coastal town is home to quaint streets, historic buildings, and a bustling harbor. Take a stroll along the promenade, visit the medieval town walls, or indulge in delicious seafood at one of the local restaurants.
  • Le Hourdel: Situated on the southern edge of the Baie de Somme, Le Hourdel is a small fishing village famous for its colony of seals. Visitors can observe these adorable creatures basking in the sun on the sandbanks or take a boat tour to get closer to them.
  • Parc Ornithologique du Marquenterre: This nature reserve is a haven for birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts. Spanning over 2,000 hectares, the park offers guided tours and observation points where visitors can see a variety of bird species, including herons, egrets, and oystercatchers.
  • Abbaye de Valloires: Located in Argoules, a short drive from Saint Valery Sur Somme, this former Cistercian abbey is a must-visit for history lovers. The abbey dates back to the 12th century and is renowned for its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Le Crotoy: Situated on the shores of the Baie de Somme, Le Crotoy is a charming seaside resort town. Its sandy beaches, lively marina, and vibrant promenade make it a popular destination for sunbathing, sailing, and enjoying fresh seafood.
  • Maison de l'Oiseau: Located in Rue, this museum is dedicated to educating visitors about the bird species found in the Baie de Somme region. The museum features interactive displays, exhibitions, and a bird-watching area where you can observe local species up close.
  • Chemin de Fer de la Baie de Somme: Experience a unique train journey on the heritage railway that runs through the Baie de Somme. The steam locomotives and vintage carriages offer a delightful way to explore the scenic countryside and coastal landscapes.
  • Jardins de Valloires: These stunning gardens are located near Argoules, close to the Abbaye de Valloires. Spanning over eight hectares, the gardens boast a variety of colorful flowers, tranquil water features, and manicured lawns, making it a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll. 10. Le Parc du Marquenterre: Another nature reserve near Rue De La Ferte, this park is a paradise for birdwatchers. With its diverse habitats, including marshes, dunes, and forest, visitors can spot numerous bird species throughout the year, including migratory birds during the spring and autumn seasons. These attractions provide a range of experiences, from exploring nature reserves and historic sites to enjoying coastal towns and relaxing in beautiful gardens.