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Pascale Aimee Schott
Le Merlerault


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

The accommodation can be accessed through a separate entrance and a staircase that leads to the bedrooms and the private bathroom. The master bedroom is furnished with a 140 bed, a 120 sofa bed, a 90 additional bed, a chest of drawers, 2 bedside tables, a dining table, and 4 chairs. There is also an additional water point available in the room. The second bedroom has a sleeping area with a 120 bed and a dining area with a small table and 2 chairs. The kitchenette is equipped with 2 hotplates, a refrigerator, a microwave oven, an electric coffee maker, a kettle, and a toaster, perfect for preparing small meals. All necessary kitchen utensils and dishware are provided. The bathroom features a shower, sink, towels, a hair dryer, and a toilet. Sheets, duvets, pillows, and bath towels are also provided. Guests have complimentary access to a private garden area equipped with a table, benches, and deckchairs. If desired, a visit to the farm can be arranged, and there are available boxes for riders passing through with their horses. The entrance to the Haras is secured by an electric barrier that must be kept closed due to the presence of horses and domestic animals (2 adorable whippets) on the Haras. Pets may be accepted only after prior agreement and contact. Additional fees may apply. The spacious parking area can accommodate all types of vehicles. The rental rates for the accommodation (2 bedrooms) are as follows: 63 Euros per night for 2 travelers, and an additional 11 Euros per night per additional traveler (maximum of 4 travelers). Breakfast can be provided on weekends only, at an additional cost of 8 euros per person.


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To reach your destination, which is the Haras de Montmarcé located at 61240 Le Merlerault, follow these travel directions:
This location offers convenient access, as it is situated near the motorway exits of Le Mans, Caen, Rouen, and on the road leading to Paris.
Additionally, there is an exceptional site nearby called Le Haras du Pin.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 65 70 8
(3 pers.)
1 75 80 8
Notes: Accommodation is available from Friday to Monday. Weekdays on request.


Animals Allowed


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