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Emilien Maury


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  • Rocamadour: Located about 16 kilometers south of Artix, Rocamadour is a stunning village built on a cliffside. It is known for its medieval architecture, including the Notre-Dame Chapel and the Saint-Amadour Church, as well as for its breathtaking views.
  • Gouffre de Padirac: Situated approximately 26 kilometers northeast of Artix, the Gouffre de Padirac is a natural limestone cave system. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and take a boat ride on an underground river, experiencing the beauty of this unique geological formation.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: About 34 kilometers northwest of Artix, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is a picturesque medieval village perched high above the Lot River. It is recognized as one of the most beautiful villages in France, with its historic buildings, narrow streets, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Cahors: Located around 40 kilometers southwest of Artix, Cahors is a historic town famous for its medieval bridge, Pont Valentré, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The town also offers a charming old town area with narrow streets, a cathedral, and the impressive Cahors Cathedral.
  • Pech Merle Cave: Situated approximately 43 kilometers northeast of Artix, the Pech Merle Cave is known for its prehistoric cave paintings dating back over 25,000 years. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the caves and admire the ancient artwork, including depictions of horses, mammoths, and handprints.
  • Château de Bonaguil: Located about 50 kilometers southeast of Artix, the Château de Bonaguil is a well-preserved medieval fortress. Visitors can wander through the castle's towers, courtyards, and defensive walls, gaining insight into its strategic importance during the Middle Ages.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Situated approximately 52 kilometers southwest of Artix, the Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux is an impressive castle surrounded by lush greenery. It showcases a mix of architectural styles, including Gothic and Renaissance, and offers guided tours that provide a glimpse into its rich history.
  • Puy-l'Évêque: Located about 52 kilometers west of Artix, Puy-l'Évêque is a charming village nestled along the Lot River. It is known for its medieval houses, narrow streets, and a 13th-century church. Visitors can also enjoy scenic walks along the riverbanks and explore local vineyards. These tourist attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring ancient caves and castles to discovering picturesque villages and breathtaking natural landscapes.

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