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Bernard Marchand
Kerdavid Duchentil


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  • Basilique Sainte-Anne d'Auray: Located in the nearby town of Sainte-Anne-d'Auray, this basilica is a prominent pilgrimage site in Brittany. It is dedicated to Saint Anne, the grandmother of Jesus, and features stunning architecture and beautiful stained glass windows.
  • Château de Josselin: Situated in Josselin, this medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. It showcases a mix of architectural styles, including Gothic and Renaissance, and is surrounded by picturesque gardens. Inside, you can explore its rich history and enjoy panoramic views from the tower.
  • Alignements de Carnac: Just a short drive away, you'll find the famous Carnac Stones. This prehistoric site consists of thousands of standing stones arranged in rows, believed to be a ceremonial site dating back to the Neolithic period. It offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient Brittany.
  • Port-Louis Citadel: Located in the town of Port-Louis, this 16th-century fortress overlooks the entrance to the Lorient harbor. Visitors can explore its military museum, which displays artifacts related to the region's maritime history and offers panoramic views of the coastline.
  • Village de Poul-Fetan: Step back in time at this reconstructed Breton village near Quistinic. Poul-Fetan provides an immersive experience of rural life in the 19th century. You can wander through thatched-roof cottages, watch traditional crafts being practiced, and even participate in activities like bread baking.
  • Golfe du Morbihan: Offering stunning natural beauty, the Gulf of Morbihan is a paradise for nature lovers. This large bay is dotted with numerous islands and islets, providing opportunities for boat tours, kayaking, and hiking. Discover its diverse flora and fauna, and enjoy breathtaking coastal landscapes.
  • La Trinité-sur-Mer: A popular seaside resort town, La Trinité-sur-Mer is known for its sailing heritage and beautiful beaches. It hosts international sailing events and offers plenty of water activities such as boating, windsurfing, and paddleboarding. Stroll along the marina and savor delicious seafood at local restaurants.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Located southwest of Pluvigner, the Quiberon Peninsula is a picturesque stretch of land with rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, and charming fishing villages. It's a great destination for coastal walks, sunbathing, and enjoying fresh seafood. Don't miss the chance to visit the historic Belle-Île-en-Mer, accessible by ferry from Quiberon. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical sites to natural wonders, allowing you to explore the beauty and heritage of the region around Kerdavid Duchentil, Pluvigner.

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