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Patrick Boullier
98 Chemin des Ayes



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55





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Description for B&B:

Our spacious house, nestled on the hillside of Gillonnay and conveniently close to the Côte Saint André, offers four generously sized rooms, each with its own private bathroom facilities. Immerse yourself in a tranquil and rejuvenating environment, enhanced by the breathtaking panoramic view of the Bièvre plain and its charming surroundings.


Appréciations pour Au Dessus de Parady, Gillonnay:

on est ''au paradis''
Review by: guinet, Oct 31 2022 2:36PM
Si vous êtes même que légèrement handicapés vous ne pouvez pas aller ailleurs que au dessus du parady Vous trouverez une chambre spacieuse avec télé et une literie super confortable La vaste salle de bain est entièrement sécurisée. La propreté remarquable dans des lieux neufs est tenus par des propriétaires sympas toujours prêts a vous aider
Dans le calme de la nature avec vue sur la plaine de bièvre vous serez au paradis !!!!

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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 55 65 55 65 17


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Animals Allowed


  • Château de Vizille: Located in the town of Vizille, approximately 7 km from Gillonnay, the Château de Vizille is a magnificent castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. It serves as a museum dedicated to the French Revolution, hosting historical exhibitions and art collections.
  • Lac de Paladru: Situated about 20 km northeast of Gillonnay, Lac de Paladru is a picturesque lake renowned for its crystal-clear waters and sandy beaches. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, kayaking, and paddleboarding, or simply relax while taking in the stunning natural scenery.
  • Musee de la Revolution Francaise: Located in Vizille, around 7 km from Gillonnay, this museum focuses on the French Revolution and its impact on the region. It showcases a vast collection of artifacts, documents, and artworks related to this significant period in French history.
  • Chartreuse de Sylans: Situated approximately 25 km southwest of Gillonnay, the Chartreuse de Sylans is a former Carthusian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Known for its peaceful atmosphere and stunning architecture, visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins and learn about the history and daily life of the monks.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: Located around 35 km from Gillonnay, this regional nature park offers breathtaking landscapes of mountains, forests, and alpine meadows. Visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, or even skiing during the winter months. The park also houses several charming villages worth exploring.
  • Château de Virieu: Situated approximately 30 km northwest of Gillonnay, the Château de Virieu is a medieval fortress that has been converted into an elegant residence. Visitors can tour the castle, admire its architectural features, and explore the surrounding gardens. The site also hosts cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Musée Hector Berlioz: Located in the town of La Côte-Saint-André, around 15 km southeast of Gillonnay, this museum is dedicated to the life and work of the famous composer Hector Berlioz. It houses a collection of personal belongings, manuscripts, and musical instruments, providing insights into the life and musical legacy of Berlioz.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated approximately 45 km west of Gillonnay, in the town of Hauterives, this unique architectural masterpiece was constructed by a postman, Ferdinand Cheval, over a span of 33 years. The palace is an extraordinary blend of different architectural styles and is now recognized as a historic monument. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near Gillonnay, France.

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