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Maryline Chabaud
503 Route De Menerbes



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Price per night:

price from €62






Description for B&B:

You are invited to stay at our beautifully restored 18th-century farmhouse, nestled in the heart of the Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon, starting from 7 April 2017.

If you are seeking tranquility, a connection with nature, and a taste of southern flavors, our Mas is the perfect destination. Situated at the crossroads of picturesque Provence, it offers an ideal location for exploring the region.

Every morning, you will be treated to a generous and friendly breakfast, included in our rates. The breakfast is served in our family room or in the charming courtyard.

To cater to your culinary desires at any time, we provide a fully equipped kitchen. Take advantage of the peaceful atmosphere and relax in the courtyard, where several tables and chairs are available.

For your convenience and peace of mind, we offer a large garage. Our biker friends will appreciate the concrete floor and ample space for both two and four-wheel vehicles.

Looking forward to welcoming you,

Maryline and Claude Chabaud


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The Mas is located near the hamlet of Enlightenment, just off the D900 road, south of Goult.
From the D900, take the D106 road towards Lacoste. Drive for about 500m, then make a right turn onto the D218 road leading to Menerbes. After another 500m, you will find the farmhouse on your left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 62
(3 pers.)
1 84




  • Village of Gordes: Located approximately 7 km from Goult, the village of Gordes is perched on a hilltop and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It is known for its charming narrow streets, traditional stone houses, and the historic Gordes Castle.
  • Abbaye Notre-Dame de Senanque: Situated about 9 km from Goult, this beautiful Cistercian abbey is famous for its picturesque lavender fields. Visitors can explore the abbey's cloisters, church, and peaceful gardens while enjoying the serene atmosphere.
  • Village des Bories: Located about 5 km from Goult, this unique open-air museum showcases traditional dry-stone huts called "bories." Visitors can wander through the village to learn about the traditional rural life in Provence and admire the well-preserved stone structures.
  • Roussillon: Situated approximately 12 km from Goult, Roussillon is known for its vibrant ochre cliffs and colorful buildings. The village is filled with art galleries, shops, and cafes, offering visitors a chance to explore its unique architecture and enjoy the scenic beauty of the surrounding natural landscape.
  • The Ochre Trail (Sentier des Ocres): Located in the heart of the Luberon region, this trail offers a captivating walk through the stunning ochre-colored rock formations. Visitors can explore the different paths and admire the vibrant red, yellow, and orange hues of the cliffs, which make for excellent photo opportunities.
  • Village of Menerbes: Situated approximately 3 km from Goult, the village of Menerbes is classified as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages in France." It boasts medieval architecture, charming narrow streets, and a rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the village's historical sites, art galleries, and enjoy panoramic views of the Luberon Valley.
  • Château de Lacoste: Located about 13 km from Goult, this castle is known for its association with the famous Marquis de Sade. The castle offers guided tours, showcasing its historical significance and providing visitors with a glimpse into the life of the controversial writer.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Situated approximately 20 km from Goult, this picturesque village is known for its stunning natural spring, which is one of the largest in France. Visitors can explore the village, hike along the river, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
  • Village of Bonnieux: Located about 15 km from Goult, Bonnieux is another charming hilltop village in the Luberon region. It offers panoramic views, historic landmarks, such as the Church of Saint-Véran, and a lively local market where visitors can find regional products. 10. L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Situated approximately 23 km from Goult, this town is often referred to as the "Venise of Provence" due to its canals and waterwheels. L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is famous for its antique markets, art galleries, and charming riverside cafes, making it a popular destination for art and culture enthusiasts.

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