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Contact Details:


Léa Gavard
12 Allee Des Genêts


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Price per night:

price from €65


04 76 00 09 75


06 73 89 18 70


Description for B&B:

Enjoy the numerous advantages of this spacious seaside residence. We are committed to enhancing your stay and offering guidance based on your preferences. The property boasts top-notch security measures including a dedicated night watchman, vigilant owners, and state-of-the-art closure systems. Nestled in a peaceful village, just a short 10-minute drive from Monastir, this tranquil haven ensures your safety and peace of mind. Your accommodation for the night is a well-protected apartment located on the upper floor, while the friendly owner and caretaker reside on the ground floor.


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We will be happy to provide airport pickup for you. However, if you prefer to rent a car, please inform us in advance, and we will gladly make a reservation for you. This way, the car will be ready for you upon your arrival.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 65 85 10
(3 pers.)
1 90 110




  • Bastille Fortress: Located just 2.5 kilometers from the given address, the Bastille Fortress is a historical site offering stunning panoramic views of Grenoble. Accessible by a cable car or a challenging hike, the fortress also houses a restaurant and exhibition space.
  • Archaeological Museum of Grenoble: Situated approximately 3 kilometers away, this museum showcases archaeological artifacts from the region. Visitors can explore ancient civilizations, including the Romans, through a range of artifacts, sculptures, and educational displays.
  • Grenoble Museum: Located about 3.5 kilometers from the address, the Grenoble Museum is known for its impressive art collection, featuring works from the 13th to the 21st century. The museum exhibits paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, including masterpieces by Delacroix, Matisse, and Picasso.
  • Jardin de Ville: Situated just over 4 kilometers away, Jardin de Ville is a beautiful public park in the heart of Grenoble. It offers a serene atmosphere for walking, picnicking, or simply enjoying the stunning floral displays and fountains.
  • Saint-Louis Church: Located approximately 4.5 kilometers away, the Saint-Louis Church is a magnificent example of baroque architecture. Visitors can admire its ornate interior, including stunning frescoes and a remarkable organ.
  • Museum of Resistance and Deportation of Isère: Situated about 5 kilometers from the address, this museum pays tribute to the French Resistance during World War II and the victims of deportation. It offers a comprehensive collection of documents, photographs, and personal testimonies.
  • Natural History Museum of Grenoble: Located approximately 5.5 kilometers away, this museum showcases an extensive collection of natural history specimens, including fossils, minerals, and taxidermy animals. It also features interactive exhibits that educate visitors about the region's biodiversity.
  • Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car: Just over 6 kilometers from the given address, this iconic cable car connects the city center of Grenoble to the Bastille Fortress. Enjoy a scenic ride while admiring the stunning views of the city and surrounding mountains.
  • Parc Paul Mistral: Situated approximately 6.5 kilometers away, Parc Paul Mistral is a large urban park offering various recreational activities. It features sports fields, a lake, playgrounds, and a beautiful rose garden. 10. Museum of Grenoble: Located about 7 kilometers from the address, the Museum of Grenoble is a renowned art museum with an extensive collection of modern and contemporary art. It houses works by artists such as Monet, Gauguin, and Kandinsky, among others. Please note that the distances provided are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken.

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