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Contact Details:


Sandrine Devis
321 Chemin de La Lise
Cabrières D'avignon


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €150


04 90 05 86 78


06 16 48 68 14


Description for B&B:

Our guest rooms offer generous space ranging from 15 to 45 m², each featuring a private terrace and Jacuzzi in select rooms. The beds are adorned with luxurious bedding in either 160 x 200 or 180 x 200 sizes, ensuring exceptional nights of sleep. Furthermore, all rooms are equipped with a bathroom that includes a walk-in shower, sink, toilet, hair dryer, flat screen TV, and air conditioning. At Mas, guests can enjoy complimentary WIFI internet access. Additionally, both our rooms and cottages provide independent access for added convenience.


Appréciations pour Le Mas de La Lise, Cabrières D'avignon:

une parenthese
Review by: lyal13, Mar 10 2015 7:06PM
amateur de belle pierre et de nature ne pas hésiter a passer par le mas de lise.La quiétude du lieu vous fera oublier tous les tracas du quotidien.Chambre joliment décorée et le petit plus le jacuzzi sur la terrasse après une balade a vélo vu sur le Lubéron, mon cycliste de mari à été conquit en effet c"était son cadeau de noel c'est un groupon et les prestations ont été a la hauteur merci a sandrine pour son acceuil.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 150 200 20


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Abbaye de Sénanque: Located just 3.5 kilometers away from Cabrières D'avignon, Abbaye de Sénanque is a beautiful Cistercian abbey surrounded by lavender fields. Dating back to the 12th century, this well-preserved monastery offers stunning architectural beauty and tranquil surroundings.
  • Village des Bories: Situated approximately 2 kilometers from Cabrières D'avignon, Village des Bories is an open-air museum showcasing traditional dry-stone huts known as "bories." Visitors can explore these unique structures while learning about their historical significance and the traditional Provencal way of life.
  • Gordes: Just 4 kilometers from Cabrières D'avignon, Gordes is a picturesque hilltop village with breathtaking views of the Luberon Valley. Its narrow, winding streets are lined with charming stone houses, art galleries, and boutique shops. Don't miss the 12th-century castle and the stunning panoramic views from the village.
  • Roussillon: Located around 10 kilometers from Cabrières D'avignon, Roussillon is famous for its vibrant ochre cliffs and picturesque streets. Explore the ochre quarries, visit art galleries, and enjoy the unique red and orange hues of the village's buildings.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Situated approximately 16 kilometers away, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is a small village known for its enchanting natural spring. The source of the Sorgue River emerges from a dramatic cliff, forming a picturesque waterfall. Visitors can also explore the village's charming streets and visit the Musée d'Histoire Jean Garcin.
  • Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Located around 16 kilometers from Cabrières D'avignon, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is often referred to as the "Venice of Provence" due to its canals and waterwheels. This charming town is renowned for its antique shops, art galleries, and a lively Sunday market that attracts visitors from all over Provence.
  • Château de Lacoste: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, Château de Lacoste is a historic castle once owned by the Marquis de Sade. This impressive fortress offers guided tours, showcasing its rich history and offering magnificent views of the surrounding countryside.
  • L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue Market: Located around 16 kilometers from Cabrières D'avignon, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue Market is one of the largest and most renowned markets in Provence. Held on Sundays, this bustling market offers a wide range of goods, including local produce, crafts, antiques, and more.
  • Avignon: Situated approximately 30 kilometers away, Avignon is a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visit the Palais des Papes, explore the charming old town, and stroll along the ancient city walls for a glimpse into the rich history of this former papal residence. 10. Pont du Gard: Located around 50 kilometers from Cabrières D'avignon, Pont du Gard is a masterpiece of Roman engineering and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This ancient Roman aqueduct spans the Gardon River and offers a stunning example of ancient architecture amidst a beautiful natural setting. Visitors can walk along the bridge, swim in the river, or explore the informative museum nearby.

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