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France Giboire
Chemin Des Terres


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price from €95



Description for B&B:

Situated in the charming village of Chaponost, in a quaint area known as Les Terres, this house is approximately 15 kilometers away from Lyon. Originally built in 1850, the house underwent a complete refurbishment in 2015 and now boasts two comfortable and contemporary guest rooms.

On the ground floor, guests have exclusive access to a dining room and living room. In addition, a delightful terrace offers the perfect setting for enjoying breakfast outdoors, while taking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding hills.

The expansive garden spans an impressive 3 hectares. To the west, a stunning 2-hectare panoramic plateau showcases the scenic Monts du Lyonnais, while on clear days, guests can catch glimpses of the majestic Alps to the east. Nestled in a tranquil countryside setting, the property is surrounded by grazing cows, graceful horses, flourishing orchards, and the melodious songs of birds.

A picturesque rural path leads down to the nearby river, nestled at the bottom of the valley.


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2 95 95


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