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Contact Details:


Renato et Valérie Rossi
81 imp la Coste
Viala du Tarn


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Price per night:

price from €143


05 81 55 93 97


06 23 82 73 45

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Description for B&B:

Description for Gite

The room can accommodate up to two individuals. It includes a bathroom with a toilet, a comfortable double bed measuring 160, and an electric heater. Additionally, there is a private terrace for guests to enjoy. If needed, extra beds can be requested at no additional cost.

The cottage is designed for two guests. It features a bathroom, a separate toilet, a cozy double bed measuring 140, and a small kitchenette. An electric heater is provided for comfort. Guests can also relax on their private terrace and make use of the electric barbecue. If required, extra beds can be requested without any extra charges. Sheets are available for rental upon request.


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Please use Google Maps to locate the Villa des Raspes at "12490 Viala du Tarn".



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 143 160 528
(3 pers.)
2 153 160


Credit cards accepted


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