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Mauger Marie-Christine
344 Chemin de Ternis


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Price per night:

price from €70




Description for B&B:

The guest rooms at Relish are tastefully decorated and feature a private entrance. Each room also has its own en-suite bathroom with a toilet. Located along the Cornevis trail, it's just a 5-minute walk to the town center. A cozy living room with a television is available for your use. The kitchen offers a variety of dishes, including local Ardèche, Provençal, and exotic cuisine. During the summer, meals can be enjoyed on the terrace. Michel and Mary-Christine, who are passionate about the unique heritage of Ardèche, will be delighted to introduce you to its wonders.

Description for Gite

We have a charming detached house available for rent, spanning approximately 80 square meters. This house has been awarded a 3-star rating by Gites de France. It is situated in a peaceful area, just a short distance from the town center and all essential amenities.

Inside, you will find a comfortable living room and a fully equipped kitchen. The house features a cozy bedroom for two individuals, as well as a second bedroom with three beds. The bathroom is nicely designed and there is a separate toilet for convenience. Additionally, the house offers a library for book lovers.

Outside, a delightful terrace and private garden await you. The house is equipped with a washing machine, television, and garden furniture, including a barbecue. Linen rental is available, and a cleaning fee is included.

Experience a pleasant stay in this well-appointed house, where you can enjoy the comforts of home and explore the surrounding area at your leisure.


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Instead of following the Recollects, take the Terni path on the right. The location is 150 meters away.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 70 26 oui
Notes: Heating included.


Disabled Access


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  • Privas Old Town: Explore the charming streets of Privas Old Town, filled with historic buildings, quaint shops, and traditional French cafes. Don't miss the opportunity to try the local specialty, "la pogne," a sweet brioche-like cake.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Approximately 30 minutes from Privas, Aven d'Orgnac is a fascinating underground cave system. Visitors can take guided tours to admire the stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations, as well as learn about the cave's geological significance.
  • Lac d'Issarlès: Situated in the Ardèche Mountains, Lac d'Issarlès is a beautiful volcanic lake surrounded by lush forests. It's an ideal spot for swimming, picnicking, or simply enjoying the serene natural environment.
  • Safari de Peaugres: Located about 40 minutes from Privas, Safari de Peaugres is one of the largest wildlife parks in France. Visitors can embark on a safari drive to observe animals such as lions, giraffes, and rhinos, as well as explore the zoo area.
  • Musée de la Résistance: This museum in Privas pays tribute to the French Resistance during World War II. It showcases artifacts, photographs, and personal stories, providing insight into the region's history and the bravery of its inhabitants.
  • Mont Gerbier de Jonc: This iconic mountain, located around an hour from Privas, is the source of the Loire River. Visitors can hike to the summit and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Parc Naturel Régional des Monts d'Ardèche: Spanning over 180,000 hectares, this regional natural park offers countless opportunities for outdoor activities. From hiking and mountain biking to horseback riding and wildlife spotting, nature enthusiasts will find plenty to enjoy here.
  • Musée de la Lavande: Situated in Saint-Remèze, this museum showcases the history and production of lavender, a well-known plant in the region. Visitors can explore the lavender fields, learn about the extraction process, and even purchase lavender-based products. 10. Vallon Pont d'Arc: Located approximately 45 minutes from Privas, Vallon Pont d'Arc is a picturesque village known for its stunning natural arch bridge over the Ardèche River. It's an excellent starting point for canoeing or kayaking trips through the famous Gorges de l'Ardèche.

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