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Michael et Marcia Redmonds
Route des Pyrenees


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €382






Description for B&B:

Experience the charm of our bed and breakfast, where you will be greeted by spacious and inviting bedrooms boasting stunning views and cozy beds. Each bedroom is equipped with its own private or ensuite bathroom. Choose from two bedrooms with double beds, one with a double bed and a single, or our fourth bedroom with three single beds, perfect for groups of friends. Additional beds can be arranged for children.

Relax and unwind in our comfortable lounge, complete with satellite television, a selection of DVDs, and a variety of books to choose from.

At our establishment, we take pride in using local and seasonal ingredients to create a delightful breakfast. Start your day with our homemade muesli and preserves, accompanied by freshly baked croissants, delicious bread, and a selection of fruits. Enjoy a cup of coffee to complete the experience. Additionally, we offer a Table d'Hote menu, featuring a range of home-cooked dishes influenced by cuisines from around the world. Indulge in Indian delights such as Onion Bhaji and Prawn Bhuna, or savor the flavors of Thai cuisine with our Thai chicken red curry, served with Sweet corn fritters and a side of sweet chili sauce. If you prefer Italian cuisine, we offer a selection of pasta dishes including Spaghetti, linguine, and risotto.

Come and experience the perfect blend of comfort, breathtaking views, and delectable cuisine at our bed and breakfast.

Description for Gite

Located within the charming grounds of Esmeralda with a captivating view of the river, our gite presents a delightful experience. Featuring a well-equipped kitchen, two lovely double bedrooms, and a cozy sitting room, it offers all the comforts you need. Embracing the beauty of nature, French windows lead to a secluded garden and an inviting al fresco dining spot. Here, you can unwind to the tranquil sounds of the flowing river, the enchanting melodies of birds, and the soothing chorus of evening crickets.

For added convenience, the sitting room can be transformed into an extra bedroom, allowing the gite to comfortably accommodate up to six individuals.


Appréciations pour Maison Esmeralda, Biert:

Maison esmeralda
Review by: Olivier C, Juil 14 2013 10:48PM
Excellente adresse. Bravo à Micheal et Marcia. Cette famille sait accueillir. La cuisine y est également excellente. Je recommande vivement.

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Our location is in Biert, close to the village of Massat, nestled between Tarascon Sur Ariege and Saint Girons. We are truly situated in the beautiful Pyrenees. If you are arriving by air, the Toulouse airport is conveniently within a 2-hour drive, where you can easily rent a car. Alternatively, we also provide a shuttle service.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 382 382 yes
(3 pers.)
3 55 63 15 yes
Notes: gas, elec


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


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  • Foix Castle: Situated in the town of Foix, near Biert, Foix Castle is a medieval fortress that dates back to the 10th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved ramparts, towers, and courtyards, as well as learn about the history of the region through its exhibits and artifacts.
  • Niaux Cave: Known for its prehistoric rock art, Niaux Cave is a captivating tourist attraction near Biert. Guided tours take visitors deep underground to witness the awe-inspiring cave paintings, some of which are estimated to be over 14,000 years old.
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