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Irene Mahon
8 Avenue Jacques Fresne


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price from €65





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1 65 95


Swimming Pool


  • Torreilles Beach: Just a short distance from Avenue Jacques Fresne, Torreilles Beach offers a beautiful sandy coastline, perfect for sunbathing and swimming. The beach is known for its cleanliness and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Le Barcares: Located about 11 kilometers away, Le Barcares is a charming seaside resort town. It is known for its long sandy beaches, vibrant marina, and numerous water sports activities. The town also offers a lively nightlife scene with restaurants, bars, and clubs.
  • Perpignan: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Torreilles, Perpignan is a historic city with a rich Catalan heritage. Visitors can explore the stunning Palace of the Kings of Majorca, stroll through the charming old town with its narrow streets and colorful buildings, and visit the impressive Saint-Jean Cathedral.
  • Canet-en-Roussillon: Just a short drive of around 17 kilometers, Canet-en-Roussillon is another popular coastal town. Its long sandy beach, lively promenade, and a variety of water sports make it a favorite destination for tourists. The town also boasts a beautiful marina, numerous restaurants, and shops.
  • Collioure: Located around 30 kilometers away, Collioure is a picturesque town known for its beautiful bay, colorful houses, and vibrant art scene. It has inspired many famous artists, including Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso. Visitors can explore the old town, visit the impressive Château Royal, and enjoy the stunning coastal views.
  • Saint-Cyprien: Situated approximately 34 kilometers from Torreilles, Saint-Cyprien is a bustling resort town with a long sandy beach and a wide range of water sports activities. Visitors can also explore the charming marina, indulge in shopping and dining options, or even enjoy a round of golf at one of the nearby courses.
  • Banyuls-sur-Mer: Located about 40 kilometers away, Banyuls-sur-Mer is a charming coastal village nestled between the sea and mountains. It is famous for its vineyards and the production of Banyuls wine. Visitors can explore the village's narrow streets, enjoy the beautiful beaches, or even visit the marine reserve for snorkeling and diving.
  • Argelès-sur-Mer: Situated approximately 45 kilometers from Torreilles, Argelès-sur-Mer is a popular tourist destination with a long sandy beach and a vibrant beach resort atmosphere. The town offers a wide range of water sports activities, a lively promenade, and a bustling town center with shops, restaurants, and bars. These tourist attractions near Avenue Jacques Fresne, Torreilles, provide a mix of beautiful beaches, historic towns, and scenic coastal landscapes, offering something for everyone to enjoy.

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