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Coralie Lapouyade
Le Chateau des énigmes



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Price per night:

price from €122




Description for B&B:

The cabins do not have access to water or electricity, but they are furnished with dry toilets. They can comfortably accommodate a range of 2 to 5 individuals.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our rustic and eco-friendly tree houses! Embrace the simplicity of nature as our unique accommodations do not provide water or electricity. However, we ensure your comfort with convenient composting toilets available for your use. These charming tree houses can comfortably accommodate a range of 2 to 5 people. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of this extraordinary experience amidst the treetops.


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You can find this place by heading towards Pons in Charente-Maritime and taking Exit 36 of the A10 Highway.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 122 122 oui


Disabled Access
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  • Saintes (14 km): Saintes is a historic town known for its rich Roman heritage. Highlights include the impressive Arch of Germanicus, the Roman Amphitheatre, and the Abbaye aux Dames, a beautiful medieval abbey.
  • Cognac (23 km): Cognac is famous for its namesake brandy and offers various distillery tours where visitors can learn about the production process and sample different types of Cognac. Don't miss the chance to explore the charming old town and visit the Cognac Museum.
  • La Rochelle (70 km): Located on the Atlantic coast, La Rochelle is a vibrant port city with a rich maritime history. Visit the picturesque Vieux Port (Old Port), explore the historic city center, and discover the fascinating Aquarium La Rochelle.
  • Royan (31 km): Royan is a popular seaside resort known for its beautiful sandy beaches and vibrant waterfront. Take a stroll along the Promenade de la Grande Conche, visit the impressive Notre-Dame church, or explore the Palais des Congrès, a unique modernist building.
  • Rochefort (45 km): Rochefort is a charming town known for its maritime heritage. Visit the Corderie Royale, a former rope factory turned museum, and the famous replica of the 18th-century frigate "Hermione." The town also offers boat trips to the nearby Fort Boyard.
  • Pons (0 km): Explore the town of Pons itself, where Le Chateau des énigmes is located. Discover the medieval charm of the town center, visit the Donjon de Pons (a medieval keep), and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere along the River Seugne.
  • Talmont-sur-Gironde (25 km): Talmont-sur-Gironde is a picturesque village perched on a cliff overlooking the Gironde estuary. Known for its charming streets, ancient church, and stunning views, it is a great place to explore and enjoy the local seafood.
  • Saint-Emilion (75 km): Saint-Emilion is a renowned wine-producing village and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Wander through the medieval streets, visit the impressive underground catacombs, and enjoy wine tastings at the numerous vineyards in the area.
  • Bordeaux (85 km): Bordeaux, the capital of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, is a vibrant city known for its exceptional wine, stunning architecture, and cultural attractions. Don't miss the Place de la Bourse, the Cité du Vin, and the beautiful Bordeaux Cathedral. 10. Île de Ré (100 km): The Île de Ré is a charming island off the west coast of France. Known for its beautiful sandy beaches, picturesque villages, and bike-friendly paths, it is a perfect destination for relaxation and outdoor activities. Visit the village of Ars-en-Ré and enjoy the local seafood specialties.

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