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Maïté et Alain Bernard
42, Rue de La Ville Es Meniers


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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

Our tastefully decorated rooms offer utmost comfort, featuring either a spacious 160 x 200 bed or twin beds. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom, a cozy reading area, television, and Internet access.


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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 78 18 OUI
Apartment 1 110 120 18 OUI




  • Saint-Malo: Located just across the Rance River from Dinard, Saint-Malo is a popular tourist destination known for its historic walled city, stunning beaches, and vibrant atmosphere. Explore the medieval streets, visit the impressive Saint-Malo Cathedral, or take a stroll along the scenic ramparts.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: About an hour's drive from Dinard, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey is perched on a rocky island and offers breathtaking views, fascinating architecture, and a rich history.
  • Grand Aquarium de Saint-Malo: Situated in Saint-Malo, the Grand Aquarium is a fantastic family attraction featuring a wide variety of marine life. Explore the numerous exhibits, watch captivating shows, and even have the opportunity to touch some of the sea creatures.
  • Dinan: A charming medieval town located about 20 kilometers from Dinard, Dinan is famous for its well-preserved old town and picturesque cobblestone streets. Visit the 13th-century Dinan Castle, walk along the ramparts, and enjoy the scenic views of the Rance River.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated on the Emerald Coast, Cap Fréhel is a dramatic, rugged headland offering stunning coastal scenery. Take a walk along the cliffs, visit the historic lighthouse, and enjoy panoramic views of the turquoise waters and surrounding landscapes.
  • Fort La Latte: Located near Cap Fréhel, Fort La Latte is a medieval fortress perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. Explore the well-preserved castle, stroll through the beautiful gardens, and admire the breathtaking coastal views.
  • Château de Combourg: Situated in the town of Combourg, approximately 30 kilometers from Dinard, the Château de Combourg is a magnificent castle with a rich history. Discover the impressive architecture, explore the beautiful parkland, and learn about the castle's connection to the famous French writer, Chateaubriand.
  • Les Rochers Sculptés: Located in Rothéneuf, near Saint-Malo, Les Rochers Sculptés is a unique outdoor sculpture park. Created by a local priest, the intricate sculptures depict various scenes and characters and are carved directly into the rocks along the coast.
  • Solidor Tower: Situated in Saint-Servan, just a short distance from Saint-Malo, the Solidor Tower is a historic fortress that now houses the International Museum of Cape Horniers. Learn about the fascinating maritime history of the area and enjoy panoramic views of the harbor from the tower. 10. Cancale: Known as the "oyster capital" of Brittany, Cancale is a charming coastal town famous for its fresh seafood, particularly oysters. Enjoy a stroll along the picturesque waterfront, indulge in delicious seafood dishes, and visit the oyster farms to learn about the local industry.

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