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Regine Giannini
Le Collet


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50





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Description for B&B:

This comfortable room features a spacious bed, a flat-screen TV with a DVD player, WiFi access, a kitchen area, and a bathroom with toilet facilities. Guests can enjoy breakfast on the terrace or inside, according to their preference.

Description for Gite

Rent our charming chambre d'hôtes gite from Saturday to Saturday, with no breakfast service, available from May 15th until September 15th.


Appréciations pour Studio le romantique à 15 kms de NICE entre mer et montagne, Bendejun:

Propre et pratique
Review by: ALCALAY Pierre, Juil 31 2017 7:47PM
Tres propre , pratique et assez bien situé dans l'arriere pays , piscine agreable .Une bonne adresse même s'il n'y a pas le charme rustique de certains gites .Hotes discrets mais sympathiques
Review by: Crespo Gaelle, Mai 12 2016 7:21PM
Une famille charmante qui a pu nous accueillir au pied levé, malgré l'urgence de notre situation, dans un très agréable studio, au cur d'une jolie propriété arborée et décorée avec gout! Il ne manque rien pour y passer un séjour parfait! Je recommande vivement cette location pour les personnes en recherche de quiétude, de verdure, auprès d'hôtes discrets et serviables.
superbe chambre d'hotes
Review by: Plasse nadine, Juil 13 2012 10:06AM
nous avons séjourné quelques jours dans cette chambre d'hotes, le point de vue est superbe et très reposant, les propriétaires sont très discrets et à vos petits soins si nécessaire, ayant un coin cuisine dans la chambre nous avons pu rester tranquille le soir. Je conseille fortement cette adresse
chambre tout confort
Review by: regine65, Juil 2 2012 4:44PM
nous avons séjourné quelques jours dans cette maison d'hotes qui est un lieu de détente extraordinaire , la chambre ets confortable nous avons pu, gâce à se kitchenette, nous faire à diner le soir sur place et profiter pleinement la journée des merveilleux endroits aux alentours et de la piscine. adresse à conseiller vivement

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Upon reaching Bendejun, located 20 km away from Nice, follow the secondary road. Take a left turn onto Avenue of the Pergola and continue straight for 600 m until you reach the snare, which is marked by a red and black gate.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 75 320 500
Notes: room avec kitchenette


Swimming Pool


  • Parc du Mercantour: Located just a short distance from Le Collet, Parc du Mercantour is a stunning national park known for its diverse landscapes. From rugged mountains to pristine lakes, this park offers various hiking trails and breathtaking views for nature enthusiasts.
  • Haut-de-Cagnes: Situated in the nearby village of Cagnes-sur-Mer, Haut-de-Cagnes is a charming medieval hilltop town. With its narrow streets, picturesque houses, and a historic castle, this area provides an enchanting glimpse into the region's past.
  • Matisse Museum: Found in Nice, the Matisse Museum showcases the works of renowned artist Henri Matisse. The museum houses an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and personal items that provide insight into the artist's life and artistic evolution.
  • Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild: Situated in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, this magnificent villa offers stunning gardens and panoramic views of the French Riviera. Built by Baroness Béatrice Ephrussi de Rothschild, the villa features an impressive art collection and is surrounded by nine themed gardens.
  • Vieux Nice (Old Town): Located in the heart of Nice, Vieux Nice is a vibrant and lively district. Its narrow, winding streets are lined with charming boutiques, bustling markets, and a plethora of restaurants serving delicious local cuisine.
  • Promenade des Anglais: Stretching along the coastline of Nice, the Promenade des Anglais is an iconic promenade that offers breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a popular spot for leisurely walks, cycling, and people-watching.
  • Grasse: Known as the perfume capital of the world, Grasse is a town renowned for its historic perfume industry. Visitors can explore perfume factories, learn about the art of perfume-making, and even create their own signature scent.
  • Antibes: A picturesque town located between Nice and Cannes, Antibes offers a delightful mix of history and natural beauty. Visitors can explore the well-preserved Old Town, visit the Picasso Museum housed in a former castle, and enjoy the sandy beaches.
  • Eze Village: Situated on a hilltop overlooking the French Riviera, Eze Village is a medieval village with narrow streets, charming boutiques, and stunning panoramic views. It is also home to the Jardin Exotique, a beautiful garden filled with rare plants and cacti. 10. Monaco: Just a short drive away, the Principality of Monaco is a glamorous destination known for its luxurious casinos, yachts, and the famous Monte Carlo district. Visitors can explore the Prince's Palace, visit the Oceanographic Museum, or simply enjoy the opulent atmosphere.

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