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Justine Bousquet


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Price per night:

price from €40






Description for B&B:

Each room is equipped with a comfortable double bed, an undouche (shower), sink, and toilet. Additionally, two of these rooms feature a sofa bed, while one room offers extra amenities such as a cot bed and two single beds.


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To reach your destination, start by taking the motorway towards Millau. From there, follow the signs to Saint Rome de Cernon and Saint Affrique. Upon arrival, continue in the direction of the Vabres Abbey. Proceed towards Cambon and finally head towards Saint Izaire and Broquièes. Once you reach Broquiès, take the road that leads to the cemetery. Keep an eye out for road signs indicating "Chez Justine and Pierre" on the right. Follow the road down into the courtyard. As the saying goes, "When my case comes before or or come" (Creole is, you came to me).



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: no smoking
Notes: no smoking


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Broquiès: This medieval castle is a must-visit attraction in Broquiès. Explore its impressive architecture and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Viaduc de Millau: Located about 20 kilometers north of Broquiès, the Viaduc de Millau is an architectural marvel. It is the tallest cable-stayed bridge in the world and offers stunning views of the Tarn Valley.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Known for its famous Roquefort cheese, this village is just a short drive from Broquiès. Visit the Roquefort caves to learn about the cheese-making process and enjoy tastings of this delicious blue cheese.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Situated in Saint-Léons, around 30 kilometers east of Broquiès, Micropolis is a unique insect-themed park. Discover the fascinating world of insects through interactive exhibits, displays, and gardens.
  • Lac de Pareloup: Located approximately 20 kilometers south of Broquiès, Lac de Pareloup is a picturesque lake surrounded by rolling hills. Enjoy various water activities, such as swimming, boating, and fishing, or simply relax on its sandy beaches.
  • Gorges du Tarn: A little further away, about 60 kilometers west of Broquiès, lies the stunning Gorges du Tarn. Explore the deep canyons, go hiking or kayaking, and admire the breathtaking natural beauty of this region.
  • Albi: A historic city located around 50 kilometers northeast of Broquiès, Albi is known for its impressive Cathedral Sainte-Cécile and the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum. Wander through its charming streets, explore the medieval Old Town, and visit the beautiful gardens along the River Tarn.
  • Millau: This vibrant town, situated approximately 30 kilometers north of Broquiès, is famous for its aforementioned Viaduc de Millau. Besides the bridge, Millau offers a pleasant city center with shops, cafes, and a lively market.
  • Saint-Affrique: Located around 15 kilometers southwest of Broquiès, Saint-Affrique is a charming town known for its medieval architecture. Visit the Place de la Mairie and wander through the narrow streets lined with historic buildings. 10. Lacaune-les-Bains: Nestled in the mountains, this spa town is about 40 kilometers southeast of Broquiès. Relax in the thermal baths, indulge in local cuisine, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings. These attractions provide a variety of options for tourists near Broquiès, offering historical, cultural, natural, and recreational experiences.

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