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Schneider Ducruet Karl & Mathilde
La Motte
Campénéac (Brocéliande)



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Price per night:

price from €80




Description for B&B:

Our Holiday Cottage "gîte de la Motte" is a charming, independent and spacious traditional stone house, measuring 80m². It is the perfect retreat for a relaxing and enjoyable holiday with your family, friends, or loved one.

Located in the heartland of the enchanting Arthurian Broceliande forest, this area is a paradise for history and legend enthusiasts. Explore the famous landmarks such as Merlin's Grave, the Fountain of Youth, Hotié de Vivianne, the castle of the Lady of the Lake, and the mysterious Valley of No Return.

Additionally, this area is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, offering endless opportunities for walkers, cyclists, and adventure seekers. Discover the beauty of Broceliande through hiking trails, horseback riding, pony treks, and visiting the mesmerizing standing stones. The nearby leisure activity base provides exciting water activities on the lake, canoeing, mini-golf, and an adventure playground.

The rental price for our Holiday Cottage ranges from 350€ to 450€ per week, and we also offer a short stay option for 80€, including bed and breakfast.


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If you are traveling by road, it will take approximately 3 hours and 50 minutes to reach your destination from Paris via Highway A11. If you are coming from Rennes, it will only take about 40 minutes using the RN24.

Once you reach Plélan-le-grand, continue driving through the city until you spot a sign on your right indicating the way to Paimpont (D38). Proceed through the forest and when you reach the midpoint, make a right turn (D40) and follow the signs directing you to Saint-Peran. La Croix Perrault is located after the hamlet of Trédéal.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 80 350 450 14


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Comper: Located in Campénéac, the Château de Comper is a medieval fortress that now serves as the Center of Arthurian Legends. It offers a unique experience of the Arthurian world through exhibitions, storytelling, and scenic walks in the surrounding forest.
  • Paimpont Abbey: Situated in the heart of the Brocéliande Forest, Paimpont Abbey is a beautiful medieval abbey known for its serene atmosphere and historical significance. Visitors can explore the abbey's architecture, visit the museum, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Tomb of Merlin: A short distance from La Motte, the Tomb of Merlin is a legendary site associated with the mythical figure of Merlin the Magician. This natural rock formation, hidden within the woods, is said to be the final resting place of Merlin, adding to the mystical allure of the Brocéliande Forest.
  • Val Sans Retour: Translating to "Valley of No Return," Val Sans Retour is a picturesque valley within the Brocéliande Forest. It is steeped in Arthurian legends, particularly the story of the fairy Viviane, who imprisoned her lover, Merlin, in this valley. Visitors can hike through the enchanting landscape and discover the unique rock formations.
  • Château de Josselin: Located in Josselin, a short distance from La Motte, the Château de Josselin is an impressive medieval castle. With its stunning architecture and well-preserved interior, it offers a glimpse into the region's rich history. The castle also hosts various events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Forêt de Paimpont: The Forêt de Paimpont, also known as the Brocéliande Forest, is a vast woodland that covers a significant part of the area. This mythical forest is associated with numerous legends, including the Arthurian tales. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks, discover ancient landmarks, and immerse themselves in the enchanting atmosphere.
  • Château de Trécesson: Situated near Campénéac, the Château de Trécesson is a medieval fortress surrounded by a moat and beautiful gardens. The castle is privately owned but can be admired from the outside. Its stunning architecture and picturesque setting make it a worthwhile stop for castle enthusiasts.
  • Les Menhirs de Monteneuf: Located in Monteneuf, this prehistoric site is home to a collection of standing stones, or menhirs. Visitors can explore the archaeological park and learn about the ancient civilizations that erected these mysterious monuments thousands of years ago. These attractions near La Motte, Campénéac, provide a blend of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the legendary tales and beauty of the Brocéliande region.

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