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Julie Falcou
Lestrade & Thouels


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €271






Description for B&B:

The initial bedroom offers 30 square meters of space, featuring a comfortable 160 bed and a trundle bed, accommodating 2 to 4 individuals. It includes a convenient walk-in shower and a private toilet.
The second bedroom, designed with accessibility in mind, spans 30 square meters and provides a 160 bed for 2 people. It also includes a walk-in shower and a private toilet.


Appréciations pour Chambres D'Hôtes de Taysse, Lestrade & Thouels:

Séjour sur le Causse
Review by: Régis, Juin 4 2018 3:33PM
Une vue panoramique idyllique sur le grand causse et bien au delà. un accueil sincère avec une cuisine d'exception. Julie est toujours à l'écoute. Séjours inoubliable. Bravo
Super sejour
Review by: Dhaim , Aou 28 2017 9:37AM
Vraiment fabuleux. Chambre très calme literie parfaite jolie salle de bain petit déjeuner fait maison jus de fruit, yaourts, gâteaux, confiture
Je vous conseille de prendre la table d hotes un vrai regal légumes de leur potager, poulet de leur production, viande locale et le tout tres bien cuisinés
Tres bien situé pour visiter l Aveyron lac à proximité merci pour ce sejour
A tester absolument!
Review by: Christine, Stéphane, Maëlie et Elynn, Avr 28 2015 6:43PM
nous avons passé une semaine au top! L'accueil convivial et chaleureux, matériel bébé fourni et ça n'est pas rien avec 1 enfant de 3 ans et un bébé de 9 mois.
On a mangé comme des rois.
A refaire sans aucune hésitation!!!!
Dans le top 3
Review by: christine /Fred de Bordeaux, Aou 20 2014 4:44AM
de toutes les chambres que nous avons fait jusqu'à présent, celle ci rentre dans le top 3. super accueil, jeune couple dynamique, super diner, super chambre et surtout literie important (sommes motards itinérants) pour la récupération. le site est trés bien situé pour rayonner. Et non, je n'ai pas d'action chez eux!! lol

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  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon (18 km): Famous for its production of Roquefort cheese, this picturesque village is home to the famous Roquefort caves. Take a tour to learn about the cheese-making process and sample some of the world's finest blue cheese.
  • Millau Viaduct (34 km): Spanning the Tarn Valley, this stunning cable-stayed bridge is an architectural masterpiece. Enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and explore the visitor center to learn more about its construction.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes (37 km): Situated in Saint-Léons, this interactive museum is dedicated to insects and their importance in the ecosystem. Discover a wide variety of live insects, explore educational exhibits, and even taste insect-based snacks if you're feeling adventurous.
  • Gorges du Tarn (49 km): A natural wonder, the Gorges du Tarn offers spectacular views of towering cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and charming villages nestled along the riverbanks. Enjoy hiking, kayaking, or simply soak in the breathtaking scenery.
  • Conques (59 km): This medieval village is renowned for its UNESCO-listed abbey, Sainte-Foy. Admire the intricate Romanesque architecture, stroll through the narrow streets lined with charming houses, and visit the Treasury Museum to see its collection of religious artifacts.
  • Albi (68 km): Home to the impressive Albi Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site, this city offers a rich history and architectural beauty. Explore the historic center, visit the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum, and wander along the banks of the River Tarn.
  • Viaduc de Millau Visitor Center (70 km): Learn more about the construction and engineering feats behind the Millau Viaduct at this visitor center. Interactive exhibits, films, and models provide insight into the bridge's design and its impact on the region.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie (82 km): Perched on a cliff overlooking the Lot River, this medieval village is often considered one of the most beautiful in France. Explore its cobbled streets, admire the well-preserved architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel (86 km): Known as the "City of the Sky," this hilltop village offers a magical atmosphere with its medieval architecture and charming shops. Visit the 13th-century Sainte-Cécile Cathedral and stroll through the narrow streets filled with artists' workshops. 10. Pont Valentré (98 km): Located in Cahors, this fortified medieval bridge is a remarkable example of military architecture. Admire its three towers, picturesque setting over the Lot River, and learn about the legends surrounding its construction. Please note that distances are approximate and may vary depending on the exact location within Taysse, Lestrade & Thouels.

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