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Laurent Saint-Pierre
23 Chemin du Champboudeau


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price from €92



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Description for B&B:

The Residence

Immerse yourself in a tranquil and festive ambiance as you step into this exquisite abode. Every detail, from the vibrant colors to the assortment of rich, natural woods, has been carefully chosen to evoke a sense of serenity and holiday cheer.

On the ground floor, you will find a welcoming lounge that exudes the warmth of cozy comfort, centered around a crackling fireplace. This inviting space is perfect for unwinding and enjoying the company of loved ones.

The expansive dining room provides an unexpected treat for the eyes, offering a delightful view of the garden. Within this elegant space, you will discover a corner dedicated to relaxation, complete with a selection of books and games for your enjoyment. Additionally, you will have access to complimentary Wi-Fi, ensuring you stay connected throughout your stay.

To further enhance your experience, a wide array of beverages, including an assortment of teas and coffees, are at your disposal. Indulge in the flavors and savor every moment of your stay at this extraordinary residence.


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To reach LES PERSIENNES from highway A10 Paris / Bordeaux, take Exit A10 Saintes N°35. After the Toll, turn right onto the bypass West D137 towards Royan / Ile dOléron. Take the first exit on the right, following the signs for Ile dOléron. At the roundabout, take the fifth exit and continue until you reach the second roundabout. Here, follow the signs for Saintes Town centre (Centre Ville) and continue on D27 "Avenue of Saintonge". Keep going straight until you come to the bridge over the river Charente. At the next roundabout, follow the signs for "La Pallue". Drive past the municipal gardens on your right, go around the bend, and after 150 m, turn left onto "Chemin of Champboudeau". N°23 is where LES PERSIENNES is located and they are eagerly awaiting your arrival.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 92 oui
(3 pers.)
1 104 oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


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  • Museum of Art and History - The Museum of Art and History in Saintes showcases a wide range of archaeological artifacts, paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It offers a comprehensive overview of the history and culture of the region, from the prehistoric era to modern times. Visitors can learn about the local heritage and appreciate the artistic treasures on display.
  • Château de la Roche Courbon - The Château de la Roche Courbon is a stunning Renaissance castle located just outside Saintes. It is surrounded by beautiful gardens and features a moat, drawbridge, and elegant interiors. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle to learn about its history and enjoy the picturesque surroundings. These tourist attractions near 23 Chemin du Champboudeau, Saintes, 17100, France offer a diverse range of historical, architectural, and cultural experiences for visitors to enjoy.

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