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Nicolazic Gisele
1 Kerbriand


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price from €200






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This peaceful residence offers an ideal environment for rejuvenation and tranquility, perfect for unwinding and finding solace.


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From St Brieuc, follow the directions towards Paimpol and then continue towards Lézardrieux. At the roundabout with the sign indicating Tréguier, take that exit and at the following roundabout, head towards Pleudaniel.



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Holiday Home 1 200 488


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  • Château de la Roche-Jagu: Located in Ploëzal, approximately 10 kilometers from Kerbriand, Château de la Roche-Jagu is a medieval fortress surrounded by stunning gardens and offering panoramic views of the Trieux Estuary. Visitors can explore the castle's history, enjoy exhibitions, and take leisurely walks in the surrounding park.
  • Île-de-Bréhat: Situated off the coast of Pleubian, around 15 kilometers from Kerbriand, Île-de-Bréhat is a picturesque island known for its beautiful landscapes and unique flora. Visitors can take a boat trip to the island and enjoy scenic walks, visit the charming village, and admire the colorful gardens.
  • Côte de Granit Rose: Located in Perros-Guirec, approximately 30 kilometers from Kerbriand, the Côte de Granit Rose (Pink Granite Coast) is renowned for its stunning rock formations and sandy beaches. Visitors can take walks along the coastal path, relax on the beaches, and marvel at the unique pink-hued granite rocks.
  • Abbaye de Beauport: Situated in Paimpol, around 20 kilometers from Kerbriand, the Abbaye de Beauport is a historic abbey dating back to the 13th century. Set in a picturesque natural setting, visitors can explore the abbey's ruins, stroll through the tranquil gardens, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Ploumanac'h Lighthouse: Located in Perros-Guirec, approximately 35 kilometers from Kerbriand, the Ploumanac'h Lighthouse is an iconic landmark perched on the Pink Granite Coast. Visitors can admire the lighthouse's striking architecture, enjoy panoramic views of the coastline, and take leisurely walks along the nearby coastal trails.
  • Jardin du Kestellic: Situated in Plouguiel, around 15 kilometers from Kerbriand, Jardin du Kestellic is a beautiful garden filled with a variety of plants, flowers, and sculptures. Visitors can explore the meticulously designed garden, relax in the peaceful surroundings, and enjoy the art installations scattered throughout.
  • Château de Tonquédec: Located in Tonquédec, approximately 20 kilometers from Kerbriand, Château de Tonquédec is a medieval castle steeped in history. Visitors can wander through the castle's ruins, climb the towers for panoramic views, and imagine the castle's former grandeur.
  • Sillon de Talbert: Situated in Pleubian, around 20 kilometers from Kerbriand, Sillon de Talbert is a unique sand spit stretching out into the English Channel. Visitors can take a walk along the narrow strip of land, enjoy the surrounding coastal scenery, and observe the diverse birdlife. These attractions offer a range of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the beauty and heritage of the region near Kerbriand, France.

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