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Oksana Pavelchuk
49, Rue du Bourg


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €193






Description for B&B:

There are two suites available, each comprised of two rooms and a bathroom with toilets. One room in each suite has a large bed, while the other room has two 90-sized beds. Additionally, there are three double rooms, each with a large bed, its own bathroom, and toilets. All three rooms have a view of the garden and the imposing Heavy castle. Notably, one of these rooms has a spacious terrace measuring 30 square meters, equipped with a hammock, deckchair, table, and chairs for relaxation.


Appréciations pour Au Pied du Chateau, Lourdes:

Merci pour votre accueil.
Review by: CHALANGE, Sep 26 2015 5:40PM
2ème séjour chez ce couple fort sympathique, simple. Gens qui vous mettent à l'aise - Repas comme à la maison - Chambres propres, bonne literie. Très bon rapport qualité prix vu la situation du lieu. Adresse à retenir et à laquelle nous reviendrons.

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If coming from Tarbes or Pau, head towards the city center. Go under the railway bridge and at the roundabout, take the direction towards the city center until reaching the traffic lights. At the lights, turn right and then take the first left towards the castle. When reaching the police station, turn right and continue until reaching the parking lot. The house is located across from the parking lot.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 193 193 420 420 OUI
(3 pers.)
2 78 78 546 546 OUI


Animals Allowed


  • Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes: Located just steps away from Rue du Bourg, this renowned Catholic pilgrimage site is believed to be the place where the Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in 1858. The sanctuary includes the Grotto of Massabielle, the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, and several other chapels and prayer areas.
  • Basilica of the Rosary: Situated within the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Basilica of the Rosary is a stunning Romanesque-style church dedicated to the recitation of the Rosary. Its impressive architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and serene atmosphere make it a must-visit attraction for spiritual seekers.
  • Château fort de Lourdes: Perched on a hill overlooking Lourdes, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views of the town and the Pyrenees Mountains. Visitors can explore its ramparts, towers, and dungeons, while also enjoying a museum that showcases the history and significance of the castle.
  • Le Petit Lourdes: This interactive museum provides an immersive experience of the story and miracles associated with Lourdes. Through multimedia presentations, life-sized dioramas, and audio guides, visitors can learn about the events that made Lourdes a global pilgrimage destination.
  • Pic du Jer: Located a short distance from Lourdes, Pic du Jer is a summit that can be reached by a scenic funicular railway. At the top, visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of Lourdes and the surrounding countryside. There is also a restaurant and a terrace where you can relax and take in the scenery.
  • Le Jardin Massey: This beautiful public park in the heart of Tarbes, a city near Lourdes, offers a peaceful retreat with its lush greenery, flower beds, and tranquil lake. The park features various statues, fountains, and a stunning glass pavilion, making it an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • Pyrenees National Park: Nature lovers will appreciate a visit to the Pyrenees National Park, which is easily accessible from Lourdes. This vast protected area boasts spectacular landscapes, including rugged mountains, deep valleys, waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. It offers numerous hiking trails, picnic spots, and opportunities for birdwatching and photography.
  • Grottes de Bétharram: Situated about 20 kilometers from Lourdes, these impressive caves provide an underground adventure. Visitors can explore the various chambers and galleries adorned with stunning stalactites and stalagmites, while also enjoying a boat ride along an underground river.
  • Le Parc Animalier des Pyrénées: This wildlife park, located near Argelès-Gazost, is home to a wide range of native Pyrenean animals, including bears, wolves, eagles, deer, and more. Visitors can observe these animals in their natural habitats and learn about their conservation in a scenic setting. 10. Lac de Lourdes: This picturesque lake, located just outside Lourdes, offers a serene environment for relaxation and outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks around the lake, go fishing, rent paddle boats, or simply unwind in the peaceful surroundings. Please note that the availability and accessibility of these attractions may vary, so it is recommended to check their opening hours and any COVID-19 restrictions before visiting.

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