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Jean Guy Weber
kernel bihan
Pont L Abbe


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75






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Appréciations pour Kernel Bihan, Pont L Abbe:

un excellent moment
Review by: Aurélie Weiler, Juil 31 2016 3:11PM
Notre séjour à Kernel Bihan a été des plus agréables ; magnifique jardin, au calme, proche de la mer ; des propriétaires sympathiques et extrêmement serviables ; une jolie chambre ; et, pour couronner le tout, un petit déjeuner riche, très riche, et délicieux ! Le tout à un tarif plus que raisonnable !
Escale reposante, accueil chaleureux !
Review by: VANDEVELDE, Juil 19 2016 2:43PM
Chambre d'hôte bien située pour visiter le Finistère sud;Les conseils de Mr et Mme Weber ont permis d'apprécier, en peu de temps, cette belle région, Nous avons apprécié le cadre de leur domaine, la chambre décorée avec goût et le généreux petit-déjeuner "fait maison". Il nous restait encore la promenade à faire : Du domaine sous le sous- bois jusque Pont-L'abbé... On reviendra!

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 75 75 oui




  • Pont-l'Abbé Castle: Located in the heart of Pont-l'Abbé, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the town's rich history. Visitors can explore the impressive architecture and learn about the castle's past through informative exhibits.
  • Saint-Joseph Church: This beautiful church in Pont-l'Abbé showcases stunning Gothic architecture and intricate stained glass windows. It is a peaceful place to visit and offers a tranquil atmosphere for reflection.
  • Le Guilvinec: A nearby fishing port, Le Guilvinec is renowned for its bustling fish market and picturesque harbor. Visitors can witness the arrival of fishing boats, discover various seafood delicacies, and enjoy a scenic stroll along the waterfront.
  • Eckmühl Lighthouse: Situated in Penmarc'h, a short drive from Pont-l'Abbé, Eckmühl Lighthouse stands tall at 65 meters and provides panoramic views of the coast. It is also home to a maritime museum where visitors can learn about the lighthouse's history.
  • Quimper: Just a few kilometers away, Quimper is a charming town famous for its well-preserved medieval center. It offers an array of attractions, including the stunning Saint-Corentin Cathedral, beautiful half-timbered houses, and a variety of shops and restaurants.
  • Pointe du Raz: Located on the westernmost tip of Brittany, Pointe du Raz is a breathtaking natural site. Known for its dramatic cliffs and panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, it is a popular spot for hiking, birdwatching, and photography.
  • Locronan: This picturesque village is often referred to as one of the most beautiful in France. With its cobblestone streets, traditional granite houses, and charming squares, Locronan offers a glimpse into the region's architectural heritage.
  • Odet River: Flowing through the countryside near Pont-l'Abbé, the Odet River offers scenic boat trips and leisurely walks along its banks. With its lush surroundings and tranquil atmosphere, it is the perfect place to relax and enjoy nature.
  • Concarneau: Situated on the coast, Concarneau is known for its stunning fortified old town. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, explore the historic ramparts, and visit the Fishing Museum to learn about the town's maritime heritage. 10. Glénan Islands: A group of small islands located off the coast, the Glénan Islands are renowned for their crystal-clear turquoise waters and pristine beaches. Visitors can enjoy activities such as sailing, snorkeling, and sunbathing in this idyllic natural paradise.

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