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Franck Palau
Lieu Dit Lugagnac
Rivière Sur Tarn



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Price per night:

price from €90




Description for B&B:

We offer a charming accommodation option in the form of a rental Bed and Breakfast and Gite. Our establishment provides a delightful dining experience, as well as access to a refreshing pool and tennis court.

Description for Gite

Experience the ultimate retreat at our charming Rental Bed and Breakfast and Gite. Indulge in a delectable dinner, unwind by the pool, and play a thrilling game of tennis.


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To get to Rivière sur Tarn from Lugagnac, follow these travel directions:



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 90 120 500 700 10 oui
(3 pers.)
1 100 130 600 850 10 oui
Holiday Home 1 90 120 500 700 20 non


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Millau Viaduct: Located approximately 12 kilometers southwest of Lugagnac, the Millau Viaduct is an iconic cable-stayed bridge that spans the Tarn River valley. Offering breathtaking views, it is the tallest bridge in the world and a marvel of engineering.
  • Gorges du Tarn: Situated just a short distance from Lugagnac, the Gorges du Tarn is a stunning limestone canyon carved by the Tarn River. Visitors can enjoy various outdoor activities here, such as hiking, kayaking, and rock climbing, while admiring the picturesque landscapes.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Found around 26 kilometers southeast of Lugagnac, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is famous for its production of Roquefort cheese, known as the "King of Cheeses." Visitors can tour the cheese caves, learn about the production process, and indulge in tasting sessions.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Situated approximately 40 kilometers northeast of Lugagnac, Micropolis is an interactive museum dedicated to insects. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing the fascinating world of insects, discover their importance to the ecosystem, and even participate in insect workshops.
  • Peyre: Located around 6 kilometers northeast of Lugagnac, Peyre is a charming village listed as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France." Known for its traditional stone houses, the village offers panoramic views of the Tarn River and is a great place to wander and soak up the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Caves of Roquefort: Situated approximately 28 kilometers southeast of Lugagnac, the Caves of Roquefort are where the famous Roquefort cheese is aged. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground caves, learn about the cheese-making process, and sample different varieties of Roquefort.
  • Millau Old Town: Located about 12 kilometers southwest of Lugagnac, Millau Old Town is a charming historic district with narrow streets and medieval buildings. Visitors can explore the quaint shops, cafes, and restaurants, and admire the Notre-Dame-de-l'Espinasse, a beautiful Gothic church.
  • Château de Peyrelade: Situated around 20 kilometers northeast of Lugagnac, the Château de Peyrelade is a medieval castle perched on a cliff overlooking the Tarn River. Visitors can explore the ruins, climb the watchtower for panoramic views, and learn about the castle's fascinating history.
  • Parc de Loisirs les Bouscaillous: Found approximately 22 kilometers northeast of Lugagnac, this leisure park offers a range of activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy go-karting, mini-golf, trampolining, and various other attractions in a beautiful natural setting. 10. Tarn Valley: Stretching along the Tarn River, the Tarn Valley offers picturesque landscapes, charming villages, and opportunities for outdoor activities. Visitors can hike, bike, or drive through the valley, exploring its scenic beauty and stopping at quaint villages along the way.

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