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price from €72






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Located on the tranquil edge of the Trinity inlet, this accommodation offers a serene atmosphere with breathtaking views. The rooms are cozy and inviting, ensuring a comfortable stay. Situated just 2.5 km away from both the bustling port and stunning beaches, guests can easily access the best of both worlds.


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4 72 86 504 602 oui




  • Carnac Stones: Located around 8 kilometers from Kersolard, the Carnac Stones are an impressive collection of prehistoric megalithic sites. These standing stones are believed to have been erected between 4500 and 2000 BC and are a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated approximately 15 kilometers southwest of Kersolard, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular tourist destination renowned for its beautiful beaches, rugged cliffs, and stunning coastal views. It offers opportunities for water sports, hiking, and exploring charming seaside villages.
  • Locmariaquer Megaliths: Just a short distance from Kersolard, the Locmariaquer Megaliths are another notable set of prehistoric monuments. This site includes the famous Table des Marchands, a massive stone table, as well as the Broken Menhir and the Er Grah tumulus.
  • Étel River and Ria d'Etel: Located approximately 10 kilometers northeast of Kersolard, the Étel River and its associated estuary, Ria d'Etel, offer picturesque landscapes and opportunities for boating, fishing, and birdwatching. The area is known for its natural beauty and diverse wildlife.
  • Saint-Cado Island: Situated on the Étel River, Saint-Cado Island is a charming small island accessible by a stone bridge. It features traditional thatched-roof cottages, a 12th-century chapel, and lovely views of the surrounding estuary. The island is perfect for a peaceful stroll or a picnic.
  • La Trinité-sur-Mer: A popular coastal town located around 7 kilometers from Kersolard, La Trinité-sur-Mer is a renowned sailing destination. It offers a picturesque harbor, beautiful beaches, and a lively atmosphere. The town hosts numerous sailing events, including the famous Spi Ouest-France regatta.
  • Port Navalo: Situated on the entrance to the Gulf of Morbihan, Port Navalo is a charming fishing village approximately 14 kilometers from Kersolard. It offers stunning views over the gulf, a scenic coastal path, and a historic fortification called Fort Neuf.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: As one of the most beautiful bays in the world, the Gulf of Morbihan is a must-visit attraction near Kersolard. This inland sea is dotted with numerous islands, offering opportunities for boat tours, kayaking, and exploring picturesque villages such as Île-aux-Moines and Île d'Arz.
  • Auray: Located around 10 kilometers northeast of Kersolard, Auray is a historic town with a charming old quarter, known as St. Goustan. This picturesque area features beautifully preserved half-timbered houses, cobbled streets, and a picturesque harbor lined with restaurants and cafes. 10. Vannes: Situated approximately 20 kilometers northeast of Kersolard, Vannes is the capital of the Morbihan department. This medieval city boasts well-preserved ramparts, a stunning old town with narrow streets and timber-framed houses, a beautiful cathedral, and a bustling marina. Vannes is perfect for history enthusiasts and those seeking a vibrant city experience.

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