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Sabrina Fontaine
Le bois noir


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €48






Description for B&B:

Le Clos des Dryades is a tranquil 2-hectare haven nestled in the idyllic Quercy region, within the breathtaking natural expanse of the Causses regional park. Surrounded by lush forests, this enchanting setting attracts visitors seeking serenity, warm hospitality, and an array of exciting activities and local tours. Additionally, we provide a delightful dining experience. Our charming establishment offers six cozy rooms, comfortably accommodating 2 to 4 guests each.

Description for Gite

We offer three charming cottages within our property:

1. A cozy guest house designed for 2 to 4 people, boasting a spacious area of 55 square meters.

2. Another guest house, perfect for accommodating 4 to 6 people, offering a generous area of 80 square meters.

3. For larger groups, we have a delightful lodging that comfortably accommodates 6 to 8 people, providing a spacious area of 105 square meters.

These lovely homes are situated at the heart of our beautiful property and are complemented by a grand swimming pool, offering guests a truly enjoyable and refreshing experience.


Appréciations pour Le Clos des Dryades, Vers:

À recommander
Review by: Jean-Marc, Juin 5 2018 8:31PM
Accueil chaleureux, de bons conseils sur les activités à réaliser dans la région. Chambres très propres et table d'hôte du soir excellente. Nous avons séjourné trois jours, mon épouse et moi, et pris la table d'hôte à chaque soir. On se sentait comme chez des amis.
Séjour du 15-19 juillet
Review by: Rosa et Sébastien, Juil 23 2015 11:33PM
Ravi par notre séjour. Lieu agréable et au calme à l'écart sur les hauteurs de Vers avec une belle piscine très appréciable, surtout en cas de canicule. Hotes chaleureux et très disponibles proposant en outre une cuisine délicieuse et variée faite maison et même des vols en mongolfière. De belles prestations pour un très bon rapport qualité / prix. A recommander les yeux fermés.
Week end 1er Mai
Review by: Brigitte et Marc, Mai 6 2014 3:59PM
Excellent à tous points de vue, que ce soit l'accueil, le cadre ou les repas. Les hôtes sont disponibles pour nous faire découvrir la région, le cuisinier les saveurs et l'hotesse ses confitures. A découvrir sans retenue.
Response from property:
Merci beaucoup de votre témoignage ! Thierry et Sylvie

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To reach the Clos des Dryades from Paris Toulouse on the A20, follow these directions: Take Exit 57 and proceed to cross Francoulès StMichel Course and courses. After that, continue on the D49 for 3 km, and you will find signs guiding you to the Clos des Dryades.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 48 52 301 322 16 oui
(3 pers.)
1 59 59 406 406 16 oui
Apartment 1 69 69 476 476 oui
Holiday Home 3 600 840 non


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Rocamadour: Located just 13 kilometers away from Le bois noir, the Château de Rocamadour is a medieval fortress perched on a cliff. It offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is a popular tourist attraction in the region.
  • Gouffre de Padirac: Situated around 16 kilometers from Le bois noir, the Gouffre de Padirac is a captivating natural limestone cave. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and take a boat ride on an underground river, making it a unique and memorable experience.
  • La Forêt des Singes: Located approximately 18 kilometers away, La Forêt des Singes (Monkey Forest) is a wildlife park where visitors can observe and interact with over 150 free-roaming Barbary macaques. It's a wonderful opportunity to get up close with these fascinating creatures in a natural setting.
  • Le Village de Martel: Situated about 20 kilometers from Le bois noir, Le Village de Martel is a charming medieval town known for its picturesque streets, traditional architecture, and beautiful gardens. Exploring the town's historic center and visiting its local shops and restaurants is a delightful way to spend a day.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Located around 25 kilometers away, the Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux is a magnificent medieval castle that dates back to the 12th century. It offers guided tours that provide insights into the castle's history and architecture, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts.
  • Grottes de Lacave: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Le bois noir, the Grottes de Lacave are a series of stunning caves adorned with extraordinary stalactites and stalagmites. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the fascinating underground chambers and learn about the geology of the region.
  • Château de Montal: Located around 35 kilometers away, the Château de Montal is an exquisite Renaissance castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can tour the castle's opulent rooms and admire the intricate architectural details, making it a captivating destination for history and architecture enthusiasts. These tourist attractions near Le bois noir offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval castles to discovering natural wonders, ensuring there is something for everyone to enjoy.

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