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Sylvie Boyaval
15 Rue Julian Grimau


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

We have three guest rooms available for you to choose from. Each room is equipped with a bathroom that includes a WC. Additionally, there is a cozy lounge and a terrace where you can enjoy breakfast during the summer. Whether you are traveling alone, with a partner, friends, or family, whether it's for vacation or a business trip, we guarantee that everyone will find happiness here. The rooms range in size from 10 to 12 square meters, and there is a spacious 17 square meter lounge dining room. The bathroom includes a shower and sink, and there is a separate WC. Outside, there is a 25 square meter terrace that is furnished with outdoor garden furniture. We also have birds and a backyard available for you to enjoy. If you are interested in exploring the region by bicycle, we offer bike rentals and support. There is a secure 34-kilometer cycling path along the Rhone that you can take advantage of. Additionally, we offer activities such as canoeing, fishing, and hiking in the beautiful Pilat Mountains, which has marked paths for your convenience. There are also many other activities available for you to enjoy during your stay.


Appréciations pour Le Cypres Bleu, Roussillon:

Séjour chez Sylvie et Michel
Review by: Marie-Ange et Guy RENOUD, Aou 29 2016 2:46PM
Nous avons passé un excellent séjour dans une chambre d'hôtes de Sylvie et Michel. Leur accueil est très chaleureux, ils sont très proches de leurs hôtes.
Les chambres sont spacieuses, et le petit
déjeuner très copieux.
Séjour de nos amis congolais
Review by: Ruf Eliane & Gilles, Jan 29 2012 11:05AM
Nos amis ainsi que nous avons été merveilleusement bien reçus par Sylvie et Michel. Galina et René nous en parlent encore et quant ils reviendront dans la région ne manqueront pas de séjourner chez vous.
Merci encore pour votre gentillesse et disponibilité.
De très bons débuts pour un sympathique couple d'hôtes.
Review by: Bousquet, Nov 9 2011 11:18AM
Un trop court séjour à Roussillon dans de tristes circonstances nous a permis de faire connaissance de ce sympathique couple. Dans ce gite très bien équipé,confortable et spacieux,nous avons trouvé un accueil convivial auprès d'hôtes disponibles et à l'écoute. La première soupe aux légumes de Michel (avec fromage rapé et pain grillé),offerte au soir d'une rude journée nous a réchauffé le corps et le coeur. Merci encore et bonne continuation pour la poursuite des travaux. A une autre fois,sans doute,à cette adresse que nous recommandons sans restriction. Dominique et André
sejours du 09/09/2011 et du 20/09 au 22/09/2011
Review by: MAILLOT, Marc, Oct 13 2011 9:50PM
Notre 1° expérience en C.H. nous ayant pleinement satisfait, nous avons renouvelé notre séjour lors de notre retour de vacances.Il n'y avait plus de place disponible mais, Sylvie nous a dépanné en acceptant de nous loger dans son appartement. Au menu du soir " improvisé"des oeufs à la coque du poulailler local, un régal. Le lendemain Michel est son 4X4 nous a baladé dans le massif du Pilat , quel bel a/m . Nous gardons un souvenir mémorable de notre 2° séjour. Merci à nos Hotes et félicitations pour leur accueil si chaleureux. Sylviane-Marc

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The room and breakfast can be found on the N7 Roussillon, which is 20 km south of Vienna and conveniently situated between Lyon and Valence.
To reach the guesthouse, please follow these directions:
- If you are coming from Lyon via the A7, take exit #9 (Vienna Valencia) and continue on the N7 until you reach the toll booth in the town of Roussillon. From there, enter the city of Roussillon.
- If you are coming from Valencia via the A7, take exit #12 for Chanas and Annonay. Then, proceed on the N7 towards Lyon until you reach Roussillon.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 65 85 18 OUI
Holiday Home 1


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Musée de la Révolution Française: Located in Vizille, approximately 15 kilometers from Roussillon, this museum is dedicated to the French Revolution. It houses an extensive collection of artifacts, documents, and artworks from this significant period in history.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated in Hauterives, around 70 kilometers from Roussillon, this unique architectural masterpiece was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval over the course of 33 years. It is a stunning example of outsider art and is renowned for its intricate sculptures and whimsical design.
  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: Spanning across an area of approximately 206,000 hectares, the Vercors Regional Natural Park is a paradise for nature lovers. It offers stunning landscapes, including plateaus, gorges, and mountains, along with a wide range of outdoor activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and wildlife spotting.
  • Château de Vizille: Situated in Vizille, just a short distance from Roussillon, this beautiful castle is surrounded by a vast park and boasts an impressive collection of art and historical artifacts. It also played a significant role during the French Revolution, as it served as the headquarters for the Assembly of Vizille.
  • Grotte de Choranche: Located in Choranche, around 60 kilometers from Roussillon, this cave system is renowned for its stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground wonders and learn about the geological history of the region.
  • Le Jardin des Fontaines Pétrifiantes: Situated in La Sône, approximately 35 kilometers from Roussillon, this unique garden features natural springs that have the ability to petrify objects over time. Visitors can witness the process of petrification and stroll through the beautiful gardens filled with waterfalls and lush vegetation.
  • La Cité du Chocolat Valrhona: Located in Tain-l'Hermitage, around 70 kilometers from Roussillon, this chocolate-themed attraction offers a delightful experience for chocolate enthusiasts. Visitors can learn about the history of chocolate, participate in workshops, sample various chocolate creations, and even create their own personalized chocolates.
  • Lac de Paladru: Situated near Charavines, approximately 40 kilometers from Roussillon, this stunning lake is a popular destination for outdoor activities such as swimming, boating, and picnicking. Surrounded by picturesque landscapes, it provides a tranquil setting for relaxation and water-based fun.
  • Château de Sassenage: Located in Sassenage, around 55 kilometers from Roussillon, this castle is known for its breathtaking architecture and picturesque setting. Visitors can explore the beautifully furnished rooms, stroll through the French-style gardens, and learn about the history of the château and its former inhabitants. 10. La Bastille: Situated in Grenoble, approximately 30 kilometers from Roussillon, La Bastille is a historic fortress perched on a hilltop overlooking the city. Visitors can reach the fortress via a scenic cable car ride and enjoy panoramic views of Grenoble and the surrounding Alpine scenery. The site also offers hiking trails, a restaurant, and exhibitions showcasing the history of the fortress.

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