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Christine Ledoux
Rue de La Tour Sans Venin
Seyssinet Pariset


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Price per night:

price from €55





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Description for B&B:

This cozy accommodation offers a serene and peaceful environment surrounded by trees, with a convenient car park located near the house. The basement houses a comfortable 12 m2 bedroom, furnished with a double bed (140 size), complete with a desk and a cupboard. While the private bathroom and toilets are located on the same floor, please note that they are not directly connected to the bedroom. A delicious breakfast is included, and dinner can be arranged upon request.


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extra bed
Notes: 1 person 45




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  • Musée de Grenoble - As one of France's leading art museums, the Musée de Grenoble houses an extensive collection of artworks from renowned artists such as Monet, Picasso, and Matisse. With its diverse range of paintings, sculptures, and installations, it offers a fascinating journey through the history of art.
  • Fort de la Bastille - Accessible by a scenic cable car ride, the Fort de la Bastille is a historic fortress perched on the mountainside overlooking Grenoble. Visitors can explore its underground passages, enjoy breathtaking views, and learn about the fort's significance in the region's history.
  • Jardin des Dauphins - Located in the heart of Seyssinet-Pariset, this charming public garden offers a serene atmosphere with manicured lawns, flower beds, and a small pond. It's an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll or a relaxing picnic amidst nature.
  • Musée de l'Ancien Évêché - Situated in Grenoble's former bishop's palace, this museum showcases the region's history and heritage through a variety of exhibits. From archaeological artifacts to religious art, visitors can delve into Grenoble's past and gain insights into its cultural evolution.
  • Palais des Sports - This multi-purpose sports arena in Grenoble hosts a range of events, including ice hockey matches, concerts, and exhibitions. It's worth checking the schedule to see if any exciting events align with your visit.
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  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Isère - Located in Grenoble, this museum is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Resistance and deportation during World War II. Through interactive exhibits and personal testimonies, it provides a poignant and educational experience. 10. Jardin de Ville - Situated in the heart of Grenoble, this beautiful public garden offers a peaceful oasis with colorful flower beds, sculptures, and fountains. It's a great place to relax, people-watch, or enjoy a picnic in the city center.

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