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Contact Details:


Christine Mison
Les Beauffes
Buxières Sous Montaigut



3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

At Sans Parure, we stay true to our name by providing a humble experience without unnecessary extravagance. Our guests can expect cozy accommodations featuring private showers and lavatories, prioritizing the essentials for a comfortable stay: delicious meals, comfortable beds, and ample relaxation. Keeping sustainability in mind, we proudly utilize produce sourced from our own garden or local organic suppliers to create delightful breakfast and dinner options.

Description for Gite

We offer two charming holiday homes on our property, gîte Rose and gîte A la campagne. Originally used as cattle stables, these buildings have been beautifully renovated into cozy bungalows. Situated separately, each gîte boasts its own terrace with a breathtaking view of the hilly landscape of the Combrailles region. On a clear day, you can even catch a glimpse of the church tower of Montaigut in the distance.

Upon entering the gîtes through two large glass doors, you will find a comfortable living area with a kitchenette on the ground floor, along with a bathroom complete with a wash-stand, shower, and toilet. In the attic, which has a slightly lower ceiling, there is a double bed and two single beds perfect for children. In gîte Rose, the bathroom with a wash-stand, shower, and toilet is conveniently located on the ground floor.

Both gîtes are fully furnished and can accommodate two adults and two children upon request. They come equipped with a well-appointed kitchen, garden furniture, and a radio with a cassette and CD player. Thanks to a heat pump, the cottages are comfortable year-round, providing heating during winter and air conditioning during summer.


Appréciations pour La Mêz à Nine(Sans Parure) chambre d'hôte, gîtes et camping à la ferme, Buxières Sous Montaigut:

Très bonne adresse !
Review by: Anne Debray , Aou 12 2023 8:39AM
Nous avons passé une nuit en chambre d'hôtes pour une soirée étape sur la route des vacances. Très bon accueil de la part de Christine et Jean-Marc, nous avons très bien mangé avec des portions généreuses, les chambres sont propres et agréables, le petit déjeuner copieux et délicieux, nos hôtes aux petits soins... Merci encore !
séjour de 3 nuits en aout 2015
Review by: christel, Aou 16 2015 12:09AM
Trés trés bon accueil,endroit propre et trés calme,le petit déjeuner copieux.J'y retournerais avec grand plaisir.
Séjour d'une nuit en juin 2013
Review by: Cécile, Juin 26 2013 8:38PM
Très bon accueil,endroit bien calme et agréable,chambre reposante......Si l'occasion s'en présente,j'y retourne les yeux fermés.....A recommander

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 60 420 420 20 7,50
(3 pers.)
3 76 76 532 532 7,50
Notes: for 3 nights min.




  • Château de Buxières: Located in the heart of Buxières Sous Montaigut, Château de Buxières is a beautiful medieval castle that offers a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the well-preserved architecture and enjoy the picturesque surroundings.
  • Église Saint-Pierre de Buxières: This charming church is a must-visit for art and history enthusiasts. The Église Saint-Pierre features stunning stained glass windows and beautiful interior decorations, showcasing the region's religious heritage.
  • Gorges de la Sioule: Nature lovers will be delighted by the Gorges de la Sioule, a scenic river valley located just a short drive from Les Beauffes. The area offers breathtaking views, hiking trails, and opportunities for various outdoor activities like kayaking and fishing.
  • Château de Chouvigny: Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Les Beauffes, the Château de Chouvigny is a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. The castle provides panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to delve into its fascinating history.
  • Parc Thermal de Vichy: A bit further away from Les Beauffes, but still worth a visit, the Parc Thermal de Vichy is a serene park in the nearby town of Vichy. Known for its beautiful gardens and thermal baths, this park offers a peaceful retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Maison Mantin: Located in Moulins, Maison Mantin is a unique museum showcasing the eclectic collections of Louis Mantin, a 19th-century art collector. The museum provides an insight into the life and interests of its eccentric creator, displaying an array of artifacts, artwork, and curiosities.
  • Puy de Dôme: For those seeking adventure and stunning natural landscapes, a trip to Puy de Dôme is a must. This dormant volcano offers hiking trails leading to its summit, where visitors can enjoy breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding volcanoes and the picturesque Auvergne region.
  • Vulcania: A popular family-friendly attraction, Vulcania is a unique theme park dedicated to volcanoes and Earth sciences. Situated near Clermont-Ferrand, it offers interactive exhibits, educational shows, and thrilling rides, providing a fun and educational experience for visitors of all ages. Note: It's essential to check the opening hours, availability, and any restrictions or guidelines related to COVID-19 before visiting these attractions.