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Patricia Laederich
Rd 183, Km 1


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price from €77





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To get to LOrmet, you can take the A71 motorway and exit at junction A719 towards Vichy. After the toll, take exit 13 Ebreuil. Follow the signs to Ebreuil and then Vicq. Continue straight towards Bellenaves and at the top of the hill, turn left onto D183 just before the village of Valignat. LOrmet will be located 1,500m on the right.

If you are coming from Gannat, simply follow the signs to Ebreuil and then follow the directions mentioned above.

For those coming from St Pourçain, follow the signs to Chantelle and then Bellenaves. After passing the level crossing, at the very top of the hill, turn right onto RD183 after the road to Valignat (avoid going to the village). LOrmet will be located 1,500m on the right.



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extra bed
Notes: Chambres doubles de 85 à 95 € par nuit. Réduction de 10% à partir de la 2e nuit. La chambre Champêtre peut accueillir trois personnes : supplément 30 € petit-déjeuner compris par nuit.
Holiday Home 1 470 470




  • Château de Valignat: Located in the village of Valignat, this stunning 19th-century castle is a must-visit attraction. Explore the beautifully preserved interiors, stroll through the picturesque gardens, and admire the impressive architecture of this historical landmark.
  • Gorges de la Sioule: Situated just a short distance away, the Gorges de la Sioule offer breathtaking natural beauty. This river valley is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, as it offers opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and fishing. Enjoy the stunning views of the cliffs and the crystal-clear waters of the Sioule River.
  • Église Saint-Pierre de Valignat: This charming Romanesque church is a hidden gem in Valignat. Dating back to the 12th century, the church features intricate stone carvings and beautiful stained glass windows. Take a moment to appreciate the peaceful atmosphere and the architectural details of this historical place of worship.
  • Château de Chouvigny: A short drive from Valignat, Château de Chouvigny is a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. Explore the well-preserved ruins, climb the tower for panoramic views, and learn about the castle's rich history. With its commanding presence and stunning surroundings, this castle is a favorite among history buffs and photographers.
  • Musée de la Vigne et du Terroir: Located in nearby Saint-Pourçain-sur-Sioule, this museum is dedicated to the region's winemaking heritage. Discover the history of wine production, learn about the local grape varieties, and even sample some of the delicious wines produced in the area. The museum offers an educational and enjoyable experience for wine enthusiasts.
  • Charroux: A charming medieval village, Charroux is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and picturesque streets. Take a leisurely stroll through the village, visit the abbey, and explore the artisan shops offering local products. Don't miss the opportunity to taste the famous Charroux mustard, which has been produced here for centuries.
  • Paléopolis: Located in Gannat, Paléopolis is a unique paleontological theme park. Perfect for families, this attraction offers interactive exhibits, fossil displays, and the opportunity to participate in excavations. Learn about the prehistoric world and get a glimpse into the fascinating world of paleontology. These attractions near Rd 183, Km 1 in Valignat, France, offer a combination of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, ensuring that there is something for everyone to enjoy.

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